
Exactly, people often think that there are these big watershed moments that precede prejudice but really it’s slow and insidious. The proof of that is literally what we are seeing right now. I think people may not remember or realize that even just 15 years ago these kinds of comments that your inappropriate uncle

who loves “all people,” which means “any race, creed, sexuality, or political party

Yeah I wanted to point that out too. That is new information that I felt added a weighty punch to that scene and further complicates Mon’s whole situation. Since if Leida finds out about this proposal, she might be eager to accept it, which while that might keep Mon’s hands slightly cleaner, she’d still no doubt be

Alas, it will not show them. If it does poorly they’ll say: “Even Tim Allen is being cancelled by the woke mob so of course I can’t get hired” and if it does numbers they’ll say: “See there’s clearly so much demand for conservatives from the silenced majority, no wonder liberal Hollywood is too afraid to hire me!”

If someone figures out how to practically do this in game it’s going to make pro gameplay miserable to watch lol

Okay but, the dog and truck thing has been researched and proven to work when it’s done well and feels natural and not forced. You don’t have to like that it works but it does. Same deal here, just modernized as you said.

I dunno, when the guy is at best a liability and more likely a grifter and conman seems pretty wise to me to show that you’re against them.

Yeah it’s gotta be rights payment or a bonus. No way anyone is making a movie in 2001 on $5mil, certainly not one with a celebrity star.

For a while I’ve had this thought (and I don’t play Sonic games so maybe I’m way off base) that Sonic gets this kind of attention because it’s in a weird spot that most games don’t fall into.

Personally I feel like number scores have kind of broken somewhere along the way and don’t offer that much info anymore, unless something is fantastically excellent or terrible. But critic reviews themselves I think are still useful to determining if it’s worth me putting the time in looking up gameplay/streams of

Metacritic has long lost it’s utility on the user side of reviews honestly. Every game in existence apparently is a 7 if you took it’s word for it. Feel like Steam’s up or down system ends up having more utility even if it also has to fight review bombs.

Honestly kind of reminds me of the whole way animated films are restricted to their own category in the Oscars. The logic is clear but functionally it gives this air that they are less than “real” films.

A particularly boneheaded move considering Twitter’s implosion has a good chunk of artists looking for new (or old) shores to move to, only for DA to hang a sign saying “Stay Away!”

If we have to live in the worst timeline, at least it’s also the funniest.

As cool as a project would be, I’m holding my expectation down for something more like merch honestly.

That’s right, no verification needed for the $8 checkmark, though verified checkmarks still exist. But there’s no way to tell them apart unless you click through on their page. Truly brilliant.

Guess they all went to spend $8 on twitter

On top of that they’re being recommended by the algorithm

He seems to genuinely be under the impression that no one would ever have reason to willingly part with $8 to deceive people. There’s been reports from sources within Twitter saying so but he himself has stated it a couple of times even just today:

At this point it’s like he’s using dril tweets as an instruction manual