
Just adding on, while this game’s character creator is pretty bare bones (handful of presets only), none of it is gender restricted regardless of what you pick. Can have masculine body with feminine VO, etc.

But then you won’t get to have it auto cropped really weirdly into a hexagon on Twitter and advertise to the world that you’re a mark!

Chapek used to be the head of the Parks Division before getting promoted to CEO, so I wonder how much of that has had to do with the rapid changes to how the parks are run now. Not to say there wasn’t always a creeping problem, but it definitely accelerated after he took over.

Was wondering if someone would mention this video, which honestly explains a lot about how we got here. Very good explanation of how FastPass had become a problem due to management letting it’s concept spiral out of control, but boy this new Genie system is way way worse.

For Disneyland this isn’t an option because of the land restrictions, they’re boxed in on all sides by development, and the city is understandably loathe to approve making the local area even more loud and crowded, and building elsewhere nearby would be extremely expensive due to the price of land and if you get too

Seemed like they were toying with killing the passholder program during the pandemic closure but people flipped the heck out and now they’re reworking it.

Yeah this is it for me, there are amusement parks and then there are Theme Parks, and there’s few who do rides/environments like Disney. Just walking around observing the design and art of everything is half of what I do at the parks when I’ve been. Something about converting a concept into a immersive ride that

Yeah I was a bit confused myself and wondering “did I forget some big space movie trend in the mid decade?” If anything I kind of feel like sci-fi films that weren’t sequels or reboots were pretty few and far between at the time.

If you only ever reported scummy behavior when it’s novel though very little would ever get reported.

I was never there myself but I read some former admin talking about how there was a time when there was a genuine effort to maintain left leaning boards and spaces on the site, but ultimately the majority of admins just let /pol/ define the culture, which drove larger and larger groups of people away, since due to the

That’s not teaching you anything about the controls or mechanics though, it’s just hoping you intuit everything by making it safe to play poorly. Fine if you’re familiar with battle royales or FPS in general, but considering how wide and young fortnite’s player base can be, that can’t be assumed.

Seriously why do Leia and Han look like themselves but Luke is just some stand in?

Imagine if any of the many oil disasters had had a similar psychological effect on oil energy as Chernobyl did on nuclear, yet no one seems to care about that.

Yeah the world really opens up after you defeat Isabelle.

I’m gonna push back a bit on including HZD in that list of post-apocalypse games where people gave up trying to save the world because that’s a pretty weird reading to me. The parallel past story that is central to the game is about a herculean effort by humanity to save the world not for themselves but for future

I don’t have much investment here as I’ve never watched but while I’m sure creative differences would factor into any decision making, this conspiracy weaving has a bit too much smell of fans just being unable to accept that an actor might choose to focus on a more lucrative gig rather than their fan favored project.

I mean the FBI interview released today has him saying some pretty deep conspiracy far right wing stuff so I don’t think there’s much room for debate on that now. As for his seeming mishmash of past political leanings, the drift of someone from left to post-left to far-right happens more often than you might think.

Something I find strange is that they are citing US trademark law, which has fairly robust parody exemptions, rather than the UK’s, which does not. Initially I assumed because the game maker is in the UK that this is why they were even trying this, but I guess they are just presuming that they won’t have to prove

The Main Menu is kind of funny to me because it reminds me of the fake console menu in Assassin’s Creed Unity from 8 years ago

Yeah the pay issues may have been misrepresented here but the conversation was still a good one to have, and prompted a number of VAs to come out about how the industry has fallen short on pay for so long. I suppose there’s a chance her awfulness drives a few people away from supporting the issue but if so, they