
They can maybe make the argument of the blue and yellow lettering but much of these accusations are nonsensical if you just applied them to the real world. Because sure, it’s clearly Ikea inspired but are they claiming they own the concept of a wide open furniture store with such distinguishing features as.. a gray

This is something I would agree with for sure, and besides making solo only queues I’m not sure how they could fix it.

I mean Perry’s free to pick any name he likes, but I think this is more an indictment of his publisher/editor not stepping in to ask “hey uh are you sure you wanna swing a bat at this hive?” and inform him of Reeve’s beloved weird uncle status in the current age.

I swear this happens every single FPS now a days and seems to mostly stem from some people not grasping that if the matchmaking has figured you out well, you should be getting put into matches at around 50% win rate, which of course means half the time you lose, which of course no one likes to lose. But waxing

Which is weird to me! Because I’d say that 4/5 of the streamers I usually watch aren’t actually that good at what they play, they’re just fun. But obviously, don’t pull in the numbers the way these types do.

See I would argue that Andor is largely treating them the same as it’s straight relationships which has surprised me. So far Andor’s core question seems to be: What does it mean to commit to your ideals? And every relationship so far has been enlisted in service of interrogating that question, including Vel and Cinta.

Your feedback has been noted and that’s why Disney is happy to announce the Star Wars Holiday Special 2

I dunno man, critique whatever you want about superhero movies but I always find this particular angle really weird because it hits my ear like someone complaining that Super Mario games need to be more mature.

Obviously no one is going to be buying Game Pass to play a game that is free, but if you score console exclusivity as Sony did with Genshin, then it potentially pushes players into your ecosystem, at least making them a potential future customer for Game Pass, on top of the cut you get for any gacha purchases made

Yeah I mean, say what you will about BF2042 but as far as cheating is concerned, it is worlds apart from BFV where it was basically unplayable every other hour of the day.

Think you got distracted by the racial profiling comment, because that is not what the article was saying? It was making a comparison to the immediately preceding sentence:

Saw someone on Twitter recently, not even talking about Call of Duty but just military action stories/games/movies in general, and how they’ve really suffered from a lack of imagination regarding antagonists since the early 90's.

What is even happening in that first gif? There’s no warning message or timer to get back in the mission, you just insta die?

Steam was already experiencing good growth in 2019, but nothing inconsistent with their previous performance, and in general they always have a higher user count in the winter months and dips in the summer, likely due to holiday releases and sales as well as people just being home.

Doesn’t this corroborate Bloomberg’s “at least $15,000" report then? Presuming her story is accurate and they then later downgraded it to $4000, this would lend weight to the theory Platinum engaged in the Japanese business custom of lowballing to get someone to refuse. Just now it seems like they did want her but

It’s on account of Placid Plastic Duck Simulator obviously. Or, was that only me?

This is true, but she does say even more explicit stuff right after where this article stops quoting her. Don’t blame them for not wanting to reprint it, Daily Beast does though.

Or, in Open Queue if there are 2 tanks, getting yelled at for not being a pocket healer for a tank who keeps way over extending.

I always thought the Chinese government mandated that people were not allowed to practice any religion.

Yeah I love the Arkham games, but to me the combat was sort of the least interesting part of it. It wasn’t bad of course, I thought it was satisfying in it’s own right, but it was repetitive and by the end of the game felt like not much had changed since the beginning, compared to the many new gadgets for the stealth