
We don’t actually know the numbers besides what “engagement” metrics can tell us, and on that front it is rough. But Nielsen is supposedly about to release their measures of the week Andor premiered so we should know viewership estimates soon.

I’ve thought since the Aldahni storyline began that the restraint the show has had with not showing the iconic stomtrooper armor even once before now was a terrific decision that also just made sense. They’re soldiers, they’re not deployed for everything. It made their appearance now raise the tension in a way that

Yeah Fortnite is surprisingly generous compared to almost everyone else. Definitely part of why they’re so big I’m sure. Especially with their catchup exp mechanic for players who have been absent. Makes it feel like you’re not punished too much for taking time away from the game.

This is particularly strange to me because, don’t other VR things like VRChat already have the capability to support full body tracking with the right equipment? Meta can’t throw together something that is at least as functional as some hobbyist in their garage, even just for demonstration purposes?

Yeah but you still have to defend yourself, as opposed to not streaming and then not having to deal with it. Plus, depending on where you stream, archives are not always automatic or indefinite. Twitch will only store them for 7 days if you’re not a partner or affiliate for example, so if the thief posts and then

I remain convinced that how this show portrays the Empire is one of it’s greatest strengths. Their cruelty and oppression is highlighted from the corrupt corporate officers to the haughty imperial commanders, and yet it remains believable that they’re real people and not cartoonish caricatures. It portrays them as

In Rogue One I know that they went so far as even making sure extras were told to do things like grow out sideburns and mustaches to match the 70's era look of things. And that hairdressers were consulted on if a hairstyle would have been 70's appropriate. I don’t know if they’re doing that sort of thing with Andor

I was in a similar boat. When that first slate of Star Wars announcements was made, my reactions ranged from ‘sounds good’ to ‘we’ll see’, but Andor was the only one that I straight up doubted and thought “really?” And I say that as someone who greatly enjoyed Rogue One.

Not really, it’s just decorative. Flashy way of making something pretty, though I always thought it seemed distracting. Some people find backlit keyboards easier to use or see, but that’s different than this RGB stuff.

“Your insanely hard work can be replicated in minutes by anyone now; for balancing reasons I am told,”

The RGB part is the funniest part. What is the venn diagram of people who like RGB lighting on their rig and people who would settle for a cloud streaming game machine?

All of this meeting pitch stuff feels like a total misapplication and misunderstanding of why people like VRChat. Like aside from the free expression and weirdness of it, people like it because it lets you feel like you’re in the room with someone else in a way that other digital communications don’t. None of these

Yeah I can see VR training being useful for certain types of labor, especially anything that would be dangerous even in a controlled environment, but that would be relatively limited use case and I can’t imagine anyone wanting to use this for regular office work or meetings, or imagine any company thinking this will

Okay but to be fair to people, Netflix loves making promo art that just looks like “that.” (That being incredibly over processed and thrown through a warm filter 100 times)

This is one case where I will say I think it is more cheater related, though I’m sure Activision has no qualms of adding more data harvesting. But I’ve seen substantial numbers of Warzone players asking for this to be implemented for almost two years now and frustration that the devs didn’t seem to want to. Always

The cited study is pretty specific about referring to 74 million subscribers, not sales. That said, the group that conducted the study is an investment firm that specializes in advising telecom investors so, not sure if they are completely unbiased. 

As with all anti-cheating measures, it’s not about preventing any circumvention which is impossible, it’s about making the hoops you’d have to jump through too onerous to feel worth the effort. Every additional step outside the norm is another point where someone has to ask themselves if they really care enough to do

Can’t really explain it but kind of strikes me as a cross between PS1 developer logos and 70's tech logos.

Combined with the PvE being an indefinite amount of time out, really feels like they’re only launching cause they feel like it’s been too long since announcement/the last OW1 content, but really shouldn’t be.

Not really a fighting game person so I’m a little confused; aren’t button mashers/spammers commonly the casual/beginner players? If this is effective against them why would it be critiqued as “made for beginners”? Kind of just sounds like a pro would know how to use it and a beginner would just be hoping to get lucky.