
The statement is confusing because it kind of sounds like an effective whitelist by saying “sites that are not licensed” so presumably you would just keep a list of the ones that are, but then they talk about identifying more sites which makes it sound like a blacklist. But then when has Twitch ever been great

One of my favorite examples of these is the “Tofu” prototype of Splatoon, where it was nothing but untextured blocks shooting spheres. Quite the contrast with it’s finished product and yet a perfect example of figuring out the gameplay first. No idea what world the tweeter is living in.

Honestly I’d bet at least some of this “outrage” is over it being Taylor Lorenz specifically. She seems to really get under a certain type of weirdo’s skin for some reason.

I swear “logged into wrong twitter account” is the real great equalizer.

Difference between asking people “what’s inside that house”, and breaking and entering. If a journalist took a job with a company just to get secret info that would be seen as unethical also.

I perused some of these subreddits out of curiosity over it all at the time, and while not a monolithic view, the “let’s destroy the economy to get back at Wall Street” attitude was pretty widespread. Seemed like a lot of people took the view that Wall Street would never change without wrecking the system first, so I

Yeah I was wondering that myself, is Christmas a high traffic time for Twitch? I can imagine it might be just because a lot of people have time off, but I would presume a lot of people would be visiting family or otherwise preoccupied in a way that brought down viewership overall.

Exactly, there’s lots of examples of increasing wealth actually worsening the problem. Because the amount of money they’re willing to risk grows larger, and what was once a thrilling payout now doesn’t bring the same euphoria, so they gotta go ever bigger to try and get that high.

I don’t know if this is just in my head but I feel like there was a period during the 00's where video games embraced BTS stuff a lot more than they do now. Not necessarily pre-release (aside from gaming magazines getting early screenshots) but featurettes on the disc, or ingame commentary and stuff. Feels like that

Pretty poor decision in my opinion. I remember that Overwatch was specifically praised by players and critics alike for -not- having any gameplay aspects locked from the get go, unlike the grind trend prevalent in other major shooters at the time. Allowed players to quickly find the characters that suited their

Kind of incredible in how no subtlety was even attempted. Went out of their way to say “In case you thought about giving us the benefit of the doubt and this racist caricature wasn’t meant to disparage any real world people, let me reassure you that it was.”

The “too violent/mature so there might not be an audience for it” is a flawed argument but a coherent one. But the “underground” statement just sounds like a weird way of saying “It wouldn’t be cool to be on the popular thing.”

Yes exactly. I think Bravely Default works because, sure it’s basically just mashing two words togehter, but many titles are and it’s memorable. Various Daylife and Triangle Strategy are just, descriptions. They’re a stones throw away from calling your game something like “Arena Shooter” or “Turnbased Game”

Initially when I saw the trailer I thought it was gonna be a follow up to Tokyo Mirage Sessions where I think this design would fit much better.

Suspect we won’t see MK9 till whatever follows the Switch. For one, it would be a first for any system to have more than one Mario Kart entry in it’s lifetime. But also, MK8 is so close to being the peak of Mario Kart that unless they come up with some new refinement or gimmick, whatever they made would likely just be

It’s still a sequel, Zelda just doesn’t do “2" in the title. Kind of a Majora’s Mask situation, which was a sequel to Ocarina of Time.

Graphically it’s certainly a big upgrade from 3H but is somewhat undercut by other art elements feeling like a downgrade. UI seems so bland.

There is also one point in the intro where black sand seems to move out of sync with the rest of the sand, which is likely an allusion to Melkor’s discords that he sung in opposition.

I mean, this is basically what they did with AC Unity though. Been a while but as I recall the modern day stuff in that was almost nothing for most of the game besides a desktop, some text files and audio conversations in between acts. And modern fans were unhappy and had to be reassured that they would do more Modern

My biggest concern with this ever since it was announced was how they would handle the sea life because it seemed like a lose-lose no matter what. The hyper-realism route would look kind of bizarre and silly if they’re going to be singing and talking, more so than Lion King I think because people seem to