
I found myself rather liking how the design of Numenor clearly takes a lot of inspiration from ancient Mediterranean civilizations. It feels perfectly appropriate considering it’s sort of the Tolkien version of Atlantis.

As an outsider to this series, I really can’t get a read on this game’s health at all. Feels like everytime I see people talk about it, whether it’s articles or just people on social media, it is talk about how the game is fun and they keep coming back, and also is in it’s last gasps on the verge of death.

This man will be on his deathbed before he even considers letting this go.

I have a hard time believing any doctor would refuse to see someone because they have been accused of cheating at a game, much less informing the patient that this is the reason, but if they’re a private doctor then legally they could. A doctor may refuse to see a patient for any reason, and indeed is not required to

Also  a year ago I figure they still had some hope that with the then 8ish months old vaccines that the pandemic might be passed by 2023. And the Dont Say Gay stuff hadn’t yet even been proposed.

Yeah I’d wager it’s their vaccination mandate policy that is the bigger reason they are bailing. Sounds like they would be legally prevented from being able to enforce it.

Sort of seems like a bad business decision to abruptly mass fire the only people your talent talks to and expect the talent to side with you over them but what do I know.

Musk’s comment is particularly dumb because, has he ever read Tolkien? There are almost no women in his writings yes, but those that are there are pretty much always depicted as noble or brave or otherwise good. Heck, even Lobelia Sackville, who is the most negatively portrayed I can think of, ends up resisting

Of course the truly devoted and diehards will always find new places to peddle their garbage, but they aren’t likely to end up going to the same place. The fact that 8chan and the Stormer communities did not reforge into something even remotely comparable to their former selves is proof of that. Instead the KF

CloudFlare dropping KF was one thing, but it is truly amazing that DDoS-Guard, a provider known for providing services to cybercrime rings, scammers, and Hamas, thought “this seems too risky for us.”

My understanding of it is that a friend of Keffals in the same city where she is staying mentioned wanting to take her to a poutine shop without providing any further details, so KiwiFarms mapped out every poutine shop in the city and began organizing how they could plant bombs and wait for Keffals to show up.

If anyone is wondering what seems to have been the line for CloudFlare, what the “specific targeted threats” were, the creeps started planning to bomb specific restaurants in an effort to get to Keffals. So I guess the takeaway is CloudFlare was totally cool with credible threats of murder as long as they kept it to

Ah I meant that comment about how, theoretically, an authoritarian nation could push them out of their borders if they didn’t cooperate, which could be a more significant financial hit than just Kiwifarms. Their logic seems to be that leaving Kiwifarms up would somehow shield them from that kind of risk, which I don’t

Good for her trying to get life/work balance, but:

They provided no examples, but one can guess as to what they mean, as this sort of thing happens to tech companies frequently with authoritarian regimes. Thing is, usually tech companies find a way to yknow, ignore them. CloudFlare is hardly unique in receiving this pressure, and to assert that it would’ve been less

From what I’ve seen, their plan mostly seemed to rely on several assumptions:

They also continuously make references to centurions and armies.

What? How are they supposed to review a game they literally can’t get? Not getting a review code means their only option is to wait for it to come out like everyone else, which would be this morning.

He wants to be Steve Jobs so badly.

Oh definitely. Playing DPS was always stressful since so much depends on them, but before role queue it was still fun to try if you had a nice team. Many times I played with teams where the DPS would just tap out with someone else if it became clear the enemy just had their number or they were off their game. After