
Definitely. Overwatch’s greatest strength imo at the beginning was that it was extremely accessible difficulty wise. There was a character for pretty much any skill level and I’m sure that contributed to it’s popularity.

I would have more impressions on the actual game itself…were it not for the fact that in Valorant it’s not unusual for a game to go for, oh, I dunno, 25 fucking rounds? Best of 13? Why?

Same, as far as loot box mechanics go, I thought Overwatch’s model was much more agreeable than both many that came after and the many MMO gachapons that preceded it. Having a guaranteed box every time you leveled up, which as a so so casual player only took about 2 hours, was pretty nice and that’s on top of the 3

At the end of the credits the screen pans down on to Pac-Man looking up at the night sky and the shadow of a boss Galaga appears before it cuts to black.

Like everyone else has said, I had zero idea this was a thing. I remember them saying they were going to get into games but I didn’t know they had already launched literally anything. Last I had heard we didn’t even have a good description of what they were planning. Had no idea they were going to be getting titles

Yeah HLL is great but it’s not really comparable to CoD. I enjoy it but if I want to play something casual and more typical FPS like it is not on my list of options. Cannot imagine it’d ever really take players away from CoD.

Yeah CoD’s greatest sin is just that it’s effectively the same game year after year with rarely any meaningful changes. Easy to rag on but the model works precisely because the base gameplay feels so good, and I’m not even much of a CoD fan but there’s no denying it’s just enjoyable as a FPS. You can get sick of it

The premise of a “vertical battle royale” or whatever is one that actually sounds like it could be fun, but boy do these environments look boring as heck. I know it’s just a shooting range but still. Are all their “veteran AAA designers” from the 2007 reign of brown and grey? If CoD is more colorful than your shooter

Sound good to me, browsing through the summer sale earlier this year I noted how many games were just completely unreadable due to being plastered in tiny text notices across every corner of the image.

Sounds like their biggest problem is just a complete lack of communication/interaction with their userbase. This whole thing sucks but I am sympathetic to the needs of stopping hackers and malicious actors, however springing this on the community with a one day notice? When they knew mods would be caught up in it?

I’m no lawyer but I’d bet the fact that, as the article notes, Microsoft has gone out of their way to maintain an appearance of competitiveness while Meta has not is a big factor here. I’ve been getting so many surveys that were clearly commissioned by Meta that make it sound like they’re the only name in VR. They’re

It’s amazing how much of their past gaming monetization models you can see in this, a reading app of all things.

Definitely someone who understands what defamation law is and how it works. Who is he even going to sue? Twitch? JTX, who is in the UK?

Yeah, like, who out there is saying it’s good sportsmanship? Even people who do it all the time would agree it’s disrespectful I’m pretty sure. That’s kind of the point isn’t it? Disrespecting your opponent as a victory taunt?

“And especially when you’re talking about a game [that’s] already old—very old—we’ve basically had to remake that game from scratch.”

See, when I heard Aspyr was given this, I took it as them being given something to practice their development skills on before letting them tackle something wholly new like you say. This remake would be more than a port (which is all they’re known for at the moment) but not quite a fully new game. A midpoint between

Some close to development also say too much time and money was spent on the demo sent to Aspyr’s production partners

I rather enjoy this game and would be bummed if it did shut down, it has a lot of potential, but I am not surprised that people believed this rumor because boy has Ubisoft basically done little to no marketing or anything for this game, so even among fans it feels like Ubisoft is not interested in it’s success.

As someone who doesn’t even watch Star Trek I was pretty surprised by his comment, since my only exposure to it these days is mostly seeing/hearing of “Star Trek too woke and ruined my childhood” takes from fans trending on social media or piling into comments anytime someone dares to mention it.

Yeah it’s a good idea I think. No different really than the Dismemberment/Gore toggles you find in some shooters, anything that makes it easier for more people to feel like they could enjoy a game.