
Why do cryptobro types seem rather singularly obsessed with Times Square billboards? Just the perceived ‘prestige’? It isn’t as expensive to get up there as some people might think, at least not if you’re claiming to already have enough cash to be starting up a AAA studio. I never see them fawning over ad space in

This is awesome, but I do wonder; If the event organizers were okay allowing it, and the crowd seemed pretty receptive to his message, what were the sponsors trying to break in even planning to do?

Ten bucks says one of the “measures” they’re talking about is just them getting timed out in Twitch chat for complaining about the pronoun indicators.

I’ve seen the Sonic thing brought up in other game’s debates too. Kind of feel like that whole episode poisoned some people’s minds into thinking that every media project they don’t personally like can be changed if you’re just really angry about it, not even considering how much of an outlier the Sonic thing was and

Yeah, I think people have sort of gotten the wrong idea that every franchise’s Executive Producer is like Kevin Feige and the MCU, but Feige is pretty uncommon in his extreme control/architect role. Kennedy seems to be more operating as a traditional Executive Producer and mostly just looking for hires and rubber

I do wonder how much of this is the result of the animated shows having been so popular. Those shows were all about filling in the gaps of X character or story. They were just deft enough to have enough original characters and independent stories to balance it out. Many of the Disney+ efforts to me have felt like an

Volunteering means that in every action you take, you bring a certain pleasantness.

Oh but that’s the thing, they’re not fake or self made. Jumbo Pokemon cards are an official product, usually given out at events or sometimes sold as a limited novelty product.

I know ActiBlizz has been demonstrating phenomenally poor PR but man does it seem like they’re bad at tailoring messages to whatever audience they’re speaking to. These are investors and you’re saying:

“The Executive Board has investigated the executives of the Executive Board and is happy to report to the Executive Board that all executives are blameless.”

I’m not even a Sonic fan really but I also thought this when I saw the footage. The Sonic-y world look gives you so much opportunity to make traversing the world fun for it’s own sake. It doesn’t even have to be part of a discrete level, just give the player something that feels good during what would otherwise be

My knee jerk reaction was similar to yours but; Naughty Dog’s multiplayer in both Uncharted and The Last of Us has always been top tier, so I’m willing to see where this goes and maybe even be a little excited for it. Heck, Uncharted 2's multiplayer was arguably one of my favorite multiplayer experiences from any

The SpaceX CEO told Anderson that “almost anyone can work and save up and eventually have $100,000 and be able to go to Mars if they want,” in reference to the hypothesized cost of each journey. Alternatively, prospective Martians could procure funding from government sponsors or by taking out a loan, Musk said.

This feels like a very convoluted method of doing this, and assumes people don’t watch Netflix from wherever they happen to be and not just at home.

Seconding this. I prefer action over words, but if words matter, then corporation’s words, with their massive megaphones, also matter. They may be hollow, carefully calculated and spineless words, but they matter. They signal what a company believes is most beneficial to themselves, and that can influence opinion both

Well that last quote at least got slightly more honest when they mentioned stakeholders/shareholders three times in one sentence.

Ah yes you would think so, but the issue is because it uses blockchain technology, the change in ownership was written into the blockchain and to undo it would be to rollback the entire blockchain for everyone, and any transactions that took place since the theft would also be rolled back. (This is how it works with

as you can see below where Mackay is turned into a dude who tweets “cry more, libs”

I get what you’re saying, but isn’t that just another variation of “I’m not racist but I still want to make racist jokes”? I don’t think that would fly so why should this? I’d probably agree with you that Chappelle might be worse, but it’s entirely dependent on Gervais’ sincerity. To me it sounds more like just a weak

As soon as I read that their project was titled ‘Milady’ I nearly slammed my head into my keyboard.