
This is a particularly bold lie considering that the “there are too many bot accounts on Twitter and I will defeat them” was one of the reasons he himself stated in the press release about the deal. To claim now that “I didn’t know there were so many bot accounts” is the best he could come up with? He tweeted about

Ah but that’s not what this tool is for is it? If this was being used to say “looks like we keep making ____ characters, maybe our creative teams need more diverse hires” I think it would be fine. A way of identifying your blind spots and then taking action against them is obviously good. But it isn’t hard to see how

^This is more or less where I am. It’s obvious what they want to do, and how this tool is meant to facilitate it, but it’s so ham-fisted in an unnecessary way that would be far better served by simply ensuring your teams were actually diverse.

The last tweet in that thread hits something I, as an Overwatch fan since the beginning, have felt since Year 1. That Blizzard was never really expecting the kind of response they got and was not at all prepared to engage with it. Obviously they wanted and planned for large scale success but I think just how wide and

Honestly it isn’t even really surprising to me, it’s exactly what I would expect from a certain type of “Data is God” Silicon Valley techie. It seems like there’s become quite the over saturation of people who believe every single issue in the world can be solved if you just had a good enough PowerPoint.

Interesting. During my own playthrough, when I got the guy you can see walking through the window, they appeared to be following the Adventure Line, but it isn’t there in the article’s example. I wonder if it was just overlapping random events (I know the line can sometimes be seen at random through windows) or if

I have fond memories of quick play matches where both teams would all pick the same hero and just do stupid stuff. Like trying to stack as many D.vas as possible on top of eachother and all doing self destruct at the same time.

Whenever I read actual descriptions of what NFT related things are, their names and supposed uses and various other crypto terms, I have to try several times because my eyes just glaze over entirely.

God, of course it’s the author of ‘Lean In, somehow that feels perfectly consistent.

Possible I’m reading too much into it, but that last part bringing up the sworn statement she signed, sounds kind of like she’s really just saying: “I am legally obligated to say that it was false because I already swore to the court and cannot contradict it now without being at risk of perjury.”

Was just about to chime in about GRAW2, because I have a distinct memory of playing one of the last levels, only to be confronted with a billboard advertising Shark Week on Discovery with then upcoming air dates in July 2007, which was amusing since the game takes place in 2014. I suppose you could reason it just got

Yeah, this is pretty much how all media is. It’s just as time goes on only the gems get remembered while the present trash is still very visible.

That Destiny anecdote reminds me of when Overwatch had a ‘controversy’ over it’s matchmaking system resulting in pros averaging a 50% win rate, which if anything was a sign the matchmaking was correctly putting them in matches against equally skilled players. But pros whined that it must be broken because they didn’t

I don’t claim to fully understand it but it seems to be based on whenever a copy of the same item sells at auction. So if you’re invested in a collectible and then someone else’s copy of that same collectible sells for more, your collectible’s theoretical value has gone up and so all the shares go up.

I know there’s a few companies (Rally is the only name of one I can remember) that already sold fractional shares in physical collectibles of all types. It’s basically treating a collectible like a stock, hoping it’s value goes up and then selling your share to someone else.

I was not prepared to click that link showing his signature.

Who knew that all this time these guys saying “keep politics out of games” just meant to put it in the patch notes instead?

People’s cynicism is understandable but I think it’s important to remember that controlling the messaging and narrative is a big part of the conservative’s strategy on this and other issues. So even stuff like this, while minor, does help fill the public sphere with counter messaging, and that can have a real effect.

Dallas is liberalish but it depends where you are. Compared to most of the major cities of Texas, it’s more conservative than say San Antonio, or Houston and certainly more than Austin. It is a major hub of evangelicals, energy executives and other traditional big money that contributes to a more conservative

So on (one of) this guy’s Steam accounts he put out the statement you can see here by clicking ‘View more info’ : steamcommunity.com/id/brownMM