
See I felt like the fact that it’s basically Indiana Jones gave it more of a chance than other video game films. Derivative sure, but still potential for it to be a fun little modern take on the idea. Action treasure hunter movie with a “the mystical legend was true” vibe isn’t really a competitive market right now.

Very much this. And once some misinfo is out there it’s basically impossible to reach everyone who believed it with the correction. According to the video, he ended it early because of news sites picking up the tweets, which drastically amplifies the potential reach. Going from just the few hundred who spread the

The guy’s gone full paranoid conspiranut on this. He doesn’t deny anything but claims that actually he’s trying to expose this grand conspiracy by the game devs, the biggest community modders, Valve and the Reddit mods against him personally. He apparently discovered the game’s stock standard telemetry data collection

Eh, that’s fair, I tried out a lot of mid budget F2P stuff 10-15 years ago because I was bored and it was easy to run on my system and seemed like there were always new ones coming out. In retrospect a lot of the ones that had gender class locking were out of Korea and Japan so I guess I just thought it might’ve

Apologies to Warhammer fans but all these games ever do for me is make me pine for CA to get licensing for Lord of the Rings. Especially now that the old LotR Total War mods are getting targeted by takedowns.

I can’t believe gender locked classes are still a thing, that was always one of the most frustrating aspects of MMOs from 10+ years ago for me.

What’s really strange is how Holland’s looks like Holland but video game Nate looks like an off brand.

“Playstation Home, but worse” is how I’ve been thinking of these metaverse worlds for a while, but at this point it’s so bad that it feels like too much of an insult to Playstation Home.

That seems much more plausible, yeah.

That’s not something current Quartz NFTs are set up to do, however, and according to sources, Pouard admitted internally that the “interoperability” question remains unanswered.

That’s true enough, they’ve essentially stumbled into a failing up situation. As long as there’s enough players still giving them money they can keep this going. Still, one would presume they actually want to make this thing.

I don’t know, the speed with which this happened makes me doubt that they did this in response to Microsoft’s purchase of ABK. Deals of this magnitude don’t happen over just a couple weeks. Maybe it accelerated things a bit so they could get the announcement out sooner, but they had to have already been in talks for a

That was my experience as well, except when I climbed out of a ship the game softlocked as it wouldn’t let me move anymore

Yeah, Roberts 100% seems like one of those types of creatives that absolutely needs a more business oriented voice to be a check on his over-ambition. No one ever likes the suit but at some point someone needs to step in and say ‘Hey we actually have to get this done now.

Actually with this report Sword/Shield has just squeezed past Silver/Gold, which sold 23.73m to Sword/Shield’s 23.90m. Red/Blue/Green are still well out in front at 31m though. Edit: oops saw someone else found this out already, sorry!

Yeah I gotta disagree with James’ framing of Luke here as cold or uncaring when offering the choice. That isn’t the vibe I got at all.

Oh I’m certain they’d love to get in on the grift, especially for their sports franchises like you say. But I do wonder if their experience taking the brunt of the lootbox backlash a few years back has given them a bit more trepidation about jumping on to the latest controversial money maker until they can see how it

“Being published in the media might make our employees afraid to share their opinions, unlike our completely private veiled threats of firing.”

Funnily enough and to your point, one of the founders of the crypto Ethereum specifically cites World of Warcraft nerfing one of his class’s spells as a catalyst for him getting into making crypto.

You’re making very logical points based on the overall picture, and that’s where you’ve gone astray. People in powerful positions like this tend to blind themselves to the reality of how the public feels because they often favor the opinions of their own social circle over whatever PR, survey data or even just a