
A single piece of game criticism can’t be for everyone, and readers should seek out the writing that speaks to who they are as players. I just think it’s a little unreasonable to expect reviewers to be everything to everyone at once.

Yeah this one feels like it’s not so much Activison and is more the Blizzard I’ve always known; the eternal development cycle. Sometimes it works! Sometimes it doesn’t.

He even mentioned Nintendo attempted to hand it off to someone else, but “it didn’t go well,” whatever that might mean.

Oh man, the idea of one of these NFT “game” ideas being subjected to the types of hackers games have to deal with is something I’d love to see.

I also like the demonstration of a complete lack of understanding of how y’know, the internet works. They are essentially saying “This is only going to work if we can deliver data without delivering it.”

I knew there was a formal term for it I was forgetting, thanks!

This might be tinfoil hatty of me but I can’t help but wonder if the high price point is specifically because Nintendo knew not many people would buy it. The old economic idea of selling a few for a huge price is, results wise, the same as selling a lot for a low price.

Not sure anything illustrates the blind wishcasting of NFT supporters as much as: “Actually, Nintendo’s notorious brutally efficient legal machine coming for us is a good thing.”

Yes but VV handled the GCN porting

When they first announced this back in December my first thought was “Why???” and just general confusion. But after seeing the trailer I’m kind of into it? Who knows if it’ll be any good but the concept seems to be pretty straightforward, almost nostalgic sci-fi space exploration film, which I would definitely be down

Yeah, there are a couple of shots that I thought the stream just stuttered on, but nope, the clean trailer just stutters there. Hopefully it’s just very early footage, I’m very excited for new Star Ocean, I just hope they don’t rush it out before it’s ready.

A shame, I think my first exposure to them was the GCN port of Jedi Outcast, which was well done! Considering their knack for remakes I wonder if they’ll be put on more remake duty, or if they’ll be sent into the CoD mines.

At least based on the ones I’ve known, I’d say it’s more like they’re Libertarian leaning Dems. Putting them in a weird little overlap where they believe in some liberal policy, but also tend to think that social issues are just a distraction from the all important economics, and somehow think the two are completely

Are we 100% sure this is a Smash like platform fighter? The icons in the corner of the character portraits imply roles to me, more like a team fighter or those mobile games where you build a roster.

See, now anything they do is going to pale in comparison to this.

While I would say their history of handling online functions is perfectly in line with the technical side of this debacle; the price point is out of character to me. Mostly because I feel like Nintendo has always been very good at predicting what is a price that most people (not just hardcore, not just casual) will be

I think it’s less about cost and more about “We want people to instantly know this is not the MCU this is our own thing.”

Truthfully I’m surprised they’re working it into lore at all, and reasonably believable at that. I kind of assumed they were just gonna retcon everything.

While true, I think this is as much as the Overwatch team themselves, not being in a position to do anything about the higher ups, can really do to show some sort public facing commitment to take these issues seriously. If behind the scenes they facilitate the culture then of course it’s meaningless but, it definitely

Yeah I mean, I remember thinking that people would forever say Hammond instead of Wrecking Ball but, at least the last time I was active, it felt like Wrecking Ball was always used by players and only rarely would you hear Hammond.