
Theoretically yes, but it would require a lot of data and who knows how many of this guys streams are archived. You’d need a lot of sessions to come up with an average that accurately reflected the guys skill level before and after this new setup and wasn’t messed up by just having good trends and bad trends.

In some ways, the fact that he apparently got very unlucky made it all the more amazing to watch. Like he said, speedrunners would usually bail on an attempt that had gotten that bad RNG. But continuing on to still manage a perfect score was incredible, especially the random spot in the Mojave desert.

Ah the classic “I’m not racist, I hate everyone” defense. I guess their personalities stopped developing sometime in their edgy middle school phase.

My take on this remains: There’s a reason soap operas are some of the longest running television shows ever.

Possibly, yes. Their GUID system is only 4 characters long at the moment, super guessable, and might be going sequentially. Would make it so incredibly easy for a bot to scrape data. They apparently do encryption on the client side, so the encryption key is public, and they published with source maps on, meaning you

Apparently one of the breaking points was that Parler would not accept the demand from Trump’s team to ban anyone who criticized him. So, there’s that.

Like the other person said; among the alt-right, and the Q crowd especially, ‘shills’ has come to mean people who they believe are being paid off by “the establishment/deep state/enemy” to sow discord, disrupt their spaces, or make them look bad.

Tokyo has a lot of historical shrines and buildings and natural scenery too though. Plus, this is pretty hyperfocused on maybe two districts in Tokyo that have very distinct aesthetics. It’s not inaccurate for the most part, but there’s a lot of Tokyo not being represented, and the fake skyline part at the end looks

Yeah I agree, I thought it was pretty good and did look like parts of Japan up until it went to the cityscape and everything became neon. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of lights and cluttered signage in Tokyo, but they’re comprised of 95% less neon tubes.

Absolutely my thought. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is tangentially related to the same kind of research that led to that Bleep program Intel is developing.

Wow, as someone who knew and was always amused by Joel’s original bit, to the extent my friends and I have referenced it over the years, it’s amazing to find out there’s been a ton of people puzzling over this for years.

E3 Twitch Chat Has Been Miserable

I’m going to guess ‘not know’ is probably pretty common. I only know because I watched one video once -years- ago explaining what FNAF was back when it first came out and took over YouTube. Since then though I’ve never seen anyone mention it.

Yeah donating to Klacik is a pretty big giveaway of his true colors. A candidate who had no chance of victory in any scenario and is just an outrage celebrity in a very specific circle of MAGA.

I find that this^ is what people actually mean behind that typical phrase. It sounds like a positive view at a distance but is actually quite self centered and detached when you examine it.

Honestly I’m surprised a horror game about zombie/monster politicians doesn’t exist already

It looks like it might be cool, I just wish the enemy designs felt a little more interesting. They’re fine, I just feel like I see it all the time.

This is exactly it. Commentary =/= meaningful insights or in depth looks.

The ideas that: “It’s just something basic they made up cause they needed a setting” and,

Some content creators got to see 4 of the specialists and at least one is a woman, I’d bet there’s probably more.

And yeah; I think the reason this keeps happening is some devs (and players) have begun thinking that something can only be “political” if you expressly set out to make a certain point; versus what this

Yeah, I don’t personally think there was another option. Their original concept of the gameplay loop focus being “infinite exploration of unique worlds” was certainly an idea, and one I don’t think is remotely possible. Procedural generation is always going to end up being samey and repetitive to where it gets boring