
Also creating triggers that no one “through the course of normal play” would find is pretty typical for easter eggs? Searching a desk drawer 50 times for example..

Really wanted this game to succeed. It’s fine, but as others say, I rarely feel a need to come back to it and feels quite limited.

Steam Controller 2.0 is here at last

I would agree this doesn’t really sound like Pay to Win as most understand the term. To me it feels similar to how you can unlock certain equipment as a pre-order bonus or if you buy from a certain store. It’s an advantage for sure, but is it egregious?

Well, not as valuable as vintage ones of course, but in one of the recent sets the rarest card was going for $600 on eBay. That info got passed around YouTube thanks to some high profile content makers and now you’ve got a combination of people looking for the valuable cards, and scalpers who know they can charge

Weigh? I’m not well versed in the card world, what’s the point of weighing them?

Also just one with an art style that looks anything like Pokemon

As someone who never knew much about trading cards before this latest Pokecraze, I was honestly rather surprised how many of the people camping out stores were there for the sports cards. I always grew up with this sense that sports cards were something from yesteryear, so it was strange to see stores ransacked for

It’s worth noting that the color palette is a byproduct of the dataset the AI is trained on, they don’t highlight it but they said it was trained on German dashcam imagery, and guess where a dashcam usually sits. Right behind a piece of often green tinted glass. The very end of the video shows the results of using a

I really like the idea of a competitive stealth multiplayer game. I feel like there’s a lot of untapped potential there but I don’t know how you would actually pull it off, and after watching a few matches of this, I don’t think these devs do either.

Well not only could it, it already does say that. But like I said, this isn’t about Apple being worried about whether or not they’d actually legally be protected from some parent sueing, they definitely would be. But they’re worried about the negative news coverage such an event would generate. Headlines saying stuff

I see a lot of commenters making the reasonable observation of: “This doesn’t make sense since you can access adult content through Safari anyway so why aren’t they liable for that?”

Ohh okay. Interesting, kind of feels like a recurring problem, new balancing causes an undoing of a previous fix.

Some serious deja vu here, didn’t we go through this with Warzone when solos first was added? Did everyone just forget about this tactic until now or did they change something about the trucks?

Well at this point Zombies has basically become it’s own game, combined with Warzone being it’s own thing it’s little wonder they’re having to use so many studios. But I too don’t think this is something they can keep up forever. They may be making money hand over fist, but the cost of these games is also

These are always fascinating because some artists really try to emulate the style of the time, and others seem to just make a modern image that happens to be on a cartdrige, but then there’s a few that find this strange balance between modern and retro design principles that give it an interesting feeling of being

with plans to not only sell character-related tokens...

I’d like to get excited but I’m sure it’ll be modern which is just, the most boring option to me.

Well of course, corporations as an entity will only ever be motivated by what is profitable. The thing is, large businesses, if they are any good at all, are making decisions based on where they think things will be in five, ten years from now. Corporations generally try to only signal “safe” things so as to not