
Yeah, I honestly wouldn’t have minded if all the DLC characters had been like this, and to some extent would like to see it again with the remainder. I actually had a lot of fun (and certainly spent far more time) trying to beat him on Very Hard first to unlock, where as the rest didn’t have the same celebratory

League has always intrigued me from afar but I both dislike MOBAs and find the community surrounding them to be off putting. Wonder if an MMO would be more tolerable (at least, by MMO standards) so I am curious about this for sure. Especially if it’s friendly to single player approaches.

Originally it was something they dubbed themselves, so I imagine that is how. Not sure what the state of things is now what with it being deployed as an insult frequently, but used to be communities of self identifying incels before it entered the wider lexicon.

...and the fact you can’t ever change your appearance

Yeah, that it’s difficult doesn’t mean you should just avoid it. You’re just gonna have to put some real effort into the casting. Figure out why it worked in the original. My most optimistic take is that this is why she hasn’t been cast yet; a more thorough search for the right actor. But realistically I’m not holding

Knowing Netflix these days, you gotta plan for 2 seasons to be the absolute max unless it’s a blockbuster hit.

Yeah I agree, a core concept of the show is every character running from their past, but every now and then getting caught up by it. The monster of the week episodes inform their growth in between those moments. Without them, the big plot points lose a lot of weight and everything would happen far too quickly. I don’t

See, when I first saw TFA I thought that ending was just, because it’s the end of the film they just wanted to end quickly without much of a denouement, and thus it was just, time skipping but not that no time had occurred. But now that we’ve got the whole trilogy I’m not so sure that’s accurate and that it may indeed

Yeah this was a big problem in the sequels for sure, but I felt like it got worse over time? TFA it was hard to tell how far they were traveling, and so I think I just assumed time was passing or that these locations were somewhat close together. But Rise explicitly stated a time limit of 16 hours that they had and

Very sad to see, I was fortunate enough to visit a couple of time a few years ago. Even won a giant Neko Atsume plush from one of their street facing UFO catchers. I wonder if there will be a big rebuilding effort after this is all over. Historically it’s always seemed like Japan’s government invested heavily in

Sounds like a glitch, but it could also be what happened to me when I spent a minute doing no damage to it when it was down to 3 HP before I remembered it told me that you have to shoot undamaged parts of the ship to deal more damage beyond a certain point. Once I flew to the under side (which I had not been

Personally I agree that more ships should be added, but I do think the B-wing specifically presents a unique challenge for this kind of game being that it’s first person only. The B-Wing’s lopsided and rotational nature feels like it’d be extremely difficult to fly in any kind of space where you have to mind your

If you have an Nvidia card, I was able to get it up to 120 by using the graphic cards 3D settings v-sync set to “Fast”. The hangar areas still have some weird tearing, but the actual gameplay is much smoother.

Depends on the finanical situation of Activision most likely, as well as how alive they kept the respective IP’s. If they’re in dire straits and haven’t touched Starcraft in 20 years, they’d probably be open to jettisoning it.

I think the friend group thing is the most important part. And unlike other group dependent games I think it’s more than just “Do you have people to play it with” but also “Do you have people that have the right kind of personality for this type of game?” Had a lot of friends not want to play because they don’t like

Never forget Spider Man font PS3

Okay I was wondering what was up. I also won my first game but suspected I was playing against bots because they were doing.. strange things. Standing still during fights, some even died just standing in the storm. While I certainly appreciate that they want to ease people in I kind of wish they would give you the

I think the issue is that the game doesn’t have a way to know that this is a hurricane, it just knows that the weather services it is plugged into are reporting lots of clouds and precipitation here, and some level of wind, but wind that doesn’t match the usual patterns it’s dealing with. So it essentially just

To be fair, I didn’t know that he was “the Target Mossimo” until I read one of these stories and it is interesting, if irrelevant.

Initially I was going to write this logo design work off as nice looking but hardly interesting but the wireframe part is legitimately brilliantly done. I imagine it will also translate extremely well into animated transitions if they want to go that route.