
She does seem to think her tips are solely based on the price of the meal, not how well she does her job. She mentions that in every column.

This whole column should be called “How to guilt people into screwing themselves and paying me more.” None of this advice is geared towards actually improving a dining experience. It is just a how-to guide for waitstaff to get larger tips.

You know what will surely encourage corporations to donate more money to good causes? Shitting all over them when they donate money to good cause!

You mean like Peter Parker? (To the first part.)

I always attribute my ideas to coworkers, safe in the knowledge that my ideas are terrible.

“White boys (not only white boys, but especially) are taught not just that they’re entitled to a perfect female partner/servant in the way Bancroft describes, but also that they’re entitled to high status because of their maleness and whiteness; that being white and male are precious gifts that no one can ever take

If the only definitions or contexts that matter are the original ones, then I sure hope you’ve done some research on literally everything you ever say.

Agreed. Let us eliminate metaphors altogether and only ever speak in stilted, literal English.


This is a doubleplus good comment!

The notion that “rule of thumb” originally refereed to it being legal to beat women with thumb-width sticks is almost certainly a myth. There’s no historical record of such a usage, and plenty of benign uses of the phrase going back centuries.

“every time you pick up the phone and place your order directly you are helping your restaurant stay in business” Are you saying this is yet another responsibility restauranteurs want to push onto their customers and make them even more directly (and individually) responsible for their success and failure? How about

Ahh. perhaps we should walk everywhere instead. Or ride bikes, in mountainous terrain, in the winter. Or teleport! CARS ARE NAZIS.

Exactly. Also, am I reading this passage correctly? “If you don’t know any restaurants the deliver, do a little research, and make a list of all of those that do to suit your various cravings. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be less likely to panic-order something from Seamless out of hangriness.”

I love when people come onto comments sections to mansplain (for lack of a better term) the inconsistencies in some stupid old saying.

That’s what I suspected. For you guys who suggest “violent revolution,” it’s not really about oligarchs, or lobbying/political power in the hands of the .0001%, is it? Rather, it’s about punishing anyone who’s eking out a better life than you.

This kid reeks of all the entitled shitty jocks that used to roam the halls and terrorize everyone at my high school in the late 90s with their porcupine-like energy, short tempers, fragile egos and loud personas. It’s funny, because back then I always thought “at least I have computer club, my video games, magic

Guess it was only a matter of time until Claire got in on the just world fallacy pile-on. After all, you can’t have a two minutes hate without an Emmanuel Goldstein.

I can see the appeal - the mostly-anonymous old web was so freeing and, somehow, more intimate and personal. You’re more free to be yourself when you aren’t yourself.

Plus how is middle class a pejorative? If you can live a middle life managing a burger shack that’s good deal. Maybe I being to literal minded about it, but the middle class is traditional the domain of the professional classes, i.e. between the rich and working class.