“As is usually the case, it is more complicated than that.”
“As is usually the case, it is more complicated than that.”
I agree. I could have used the boost when I was little as well. I was a very shy girl who was kind of scruffy. If someone besides my parents (or even my parents) had said I was pretty it would have really meant something to me. Plus I seem to recall Oprah speaking about having a moment when a stranger told her she was…
This 100%. The only person who ever told me I was pretty when I was growing up was my mom, and even that was only when I was really dressed up for some special occasion and I interpreted it as a clear lie to make me feel better about myself.
Once -- I think when I was a teenager, or maybe in college? -- I asked my mother why she never complimented my looks. And she basically told me, “Because I’ve always known you weren’t beautiful.” Yeah, that messes with your head just a little. :(
Actually not carrying around a bunch of extra weight does lower my risk for a myriad of diseases. Obesity related issues will kill far more people this year than anything COVID. Heart disease, Diabetes, Kidney Disease and more. Those are all largely preventable by maintaining a healthy weight.
It’s not though. I went through my adult life about 30 pounds overweight. I hated clothes shopping, snored like hell, and was always uncomfortable sitting down, trying to not let my midsection show.
Ill go against the grain and say that I use calorie counting on a regular basis to keep my weight in check. I sit a lot at work and at home. I dont nearly get enough exercise and to top it off I’m pretty close to those dreaded 40s so my metabolism isn’t quite what it used to. I don’t go as low as 1200 on a regular…
I’ve done close to that. It wasn’t worthless at all.
“As dietician Jamie Nadeau recently pointed out—on TikTok, where else?—1,200 calories a day is not enough to sustain an adult human, even a delicate little female”
“Considering that at least two prominent Roman politicians fell in love with her I doubt she was “Nubian” as some people claim”
Of course she was petite by today’s standards, she lived over 2,000 years ago and came from a long line of inbreeding. Her first husband was her brother. Inbreeding is inbreeding, regardless of ethnicity, so we probably shouldn’t get too fixated on physical features or else Steve Buscemi would probably be the better…
I make a habit of yelling at other people’s children, loudly and often. I don’t have any kids.
My hope is that he lives, but gets a pretty painfully long recovery process. Some suffers of the virus have described the symptoms as awful. That’s what I hope Trump gets, so then it will shake him to his core. It won’t, but I can dream.
Mail-in voting has started almost everywhere, and even if Trump dies from this it can’t happen at the earliest before a few days from now. By then it’s going to be too late to change ballots. However, presidential electors in each state can vote for whoever they want, so any GOP electors (in states where Trump/Pence…
Don’t you have better things to do, Vice President Pence?
“Hang in there, buddy!”
Great list, but Moka pots don’t make espresso ;)
Damn tires, interrupting my dinner, asking if I’ve heard the Goodyear news.
I think this writeup on r/loseit (which I find to be the most sane of the weightloss subs, neither encouraging extreme diets nor enabling denial) runs through things pretty well (although it assumed that the main thing keeping Americans from bringing up weight at the annual physical or getting a referral to a…