
Heck now its more complicated now that “grooming” is a thing that apparently applies to any older person perceived to be in a position of greater power, regardless of a work environment or not, engaging a younger person to hopefully lead to sexual relations. We use to call it flirting. Now its a form of stalking.

That’s so individualistic to the consumer of this movie/porn.

They actually asked 2 questions and answered neither one: When’s It Happening, and What Deals Can You Expect?

They actually asked 2 questions and answered neither one: When’s It Happening, and What Deals Can You Expect?

This is a terrible, terrible idea. Carrying something like that will make you an instant target for police, because you go from being “just another ‘peaceful’ protestor” to “someone who came equipped and looking for a fight”. You also go from being a face in the crowd to being an identifiable target for a “snatch

I tried to help one only to be attacked by 3 others wearing bandannas over their eyes

I’ve corrected you about Dunning-Kruger about 20 times in the last decade of Kinja/Giz/Gawker commenting.

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what will be on sale, what, if any, changes Amazon will be making, etc.). It seems to have just been a clickbait attempt to post their affiliate links for some products.

Especially when this “article” author doesn’t even pretend to know anything about the sale (when it will be, what

Headline “what deals to expect”

Headline “what deals to expect”

Letter writer one, here’s the dirty little secret about online dating.

This is a service you pay for to take care of your children while you work, if you aren’t using the service, you don’t pay for it.

But here’s the thing: Unless you’re paying an individual directly, you’ve got absolutely no guarantee that your childcare center is going to use whatever you’re paying them to pay their employees. My mother retired from a day care center after working there 20 years. She still talks to some of her friends who work

This post is bananas. We need to stop living in a GoFundMe society and start demanding that our government take care of its citizens and their livelihoods.

This is a tough one, man. I was paying $1400/month for my kids to be in daycare. That’s a second mortgage payment where I live. To keep shelling that out when my kids are home with me is a hard pill to swallow. Staring down the barrel of a recession and all of the B.S. that goes along with it makes it even harder... I’

Per the article, the average daycare worker makes 10.82 per hour. That’s $432.80 per week at 40 hours per week. Unemployment has been boosted by $600 per week, so many of the workers are probably making double what they did while working.

We are fortunate enough that we were able to forgo my wife’s teacher salary for a few extra months of unpaid leave for additional time at home to bond with the baby - and my job recently started to offer parental leave for fathers that I can take when my wife needs to return to work later in the year.

They and the other 20 million low paid workers who are now unemployed have my sincere sympathy. I’m not wealthy either and just as worried about my own future as they are.

I can think of another reason, I’m not paying for a service that is no longer being provided. But if you want some you can earn it by sucking my dick. Take that in the depths of your larynx. 

Why should anyone pay for a service or a product they are not receiving?

I feel like every time I see this particular column there’s at least one “I find this girl I’m acquainted with attractive, should I ask her out?” And the answer is pretty much always an emphatic “No, and every reason you've given that it's a good idea is wrong on a fundamental level."

That’s honestly the gist of the kind of articles Grayson writes here. The subject has unfailingly always been about attractive female streamers, and he’s putting the spotlight on them. It comes across as him doing it to get the attention or get into the good graces of these streamers, and combined with creepy stories