
Another option: just opt out. Nothing says you have to find romance or even a fling. I used to be lonely and worry about being alone, but the isolation of the pandemic gave me a bit of a kick in the pants.

But losing 2 lbs/week is a BAD GOAL, and a bad strategy.

She did, if I dressed up. The comments about my appearance I remember from my childhood (from family) were embarrassing and emasculating. Things like commenting that “a girl would die to have [my] complexion” and the like.

I don’t think I’m missing the big point, because this is an article about how you should treat individual children as an individual adult. This isn’t about the pernicious effect of societal beauty standards. If girls are getting the message that they ought to be pretty, you decide to withhold that from them because of

Oof, that’s rough. I’m sorry.

At the same time, I’ve seen more than a couple women complain bitterly that their fathers never told them they were pretty. And as a guy, it would’ve done my self-esteem some good if I’d been told I was handsome every once in awhile. It’s a matter of balance.

Does this recipe work with artificial sweeteners, like erythritol?

Hey, did your phone just ding? It sounded like a match. Congrats! But oh, what’s this? The match is someone super hot you swiped right on with the assumption they’d never actually swipe right back?

Boy, I sure hope by the time Christmas comes, we don’t need to be worried about COVID transmission.

The CDC’s examples seem to contradict your interpretation. The guidelines differentiate between “Vaccinated people visiting with unvaccinated people from a single household that does not have individuals at risk of severe COVID-19" and “Vaccinated people visiting with unvaccinated people from multiple households at

In the pandemic, a lot of it boils down to the kinds of interactions I’m having. I live with roommates, one of whom almost always announces his presence with some complaint. While he has always been persnickety, the pandemic and unemployment have magnified this trait in him, and yeah, I just want to be left alone. I

This article is not about whether losing weight is a good or bad goal. It makes specific claims about the 1200 calorie diet, which I am addressing.

As dietician Jamie Nadeau recently pointed out—on TikTok, where else?—1,200 calories a day is not enough to sustain an adult human, even a delicate little female.

It only stands to reason that it would have been mentioned if it were perceived as relevant to those writing. As for your second sentence: I think you’re projecting modern biases, here. Do you have any evidence of Latin speakers or writers using simia or simius to refer to skin color or even body shape? The terms were

my gripe with the Burr set was his pride month zinger - absolutely NOT intersectional. his joke is that gay people don’t deserve a whole month cause they haven’t been enslaved. SO NO BLACK GAY PEOPLE EXIST APPARENTLY.

Romans could be pretty racist but loved anything Greek.

1) For lifting: the first set is just basically a continuation of the warm-up. If I’ve done the first set, the second set should be a piece of cake, right? I’ve already proven I can do it. Third set? Always the easiest. You’re warmed up, you’re used to the weight, no problem. Fourth set: if you get through this set,

Moka pots do not make espresso. They make caffè, which in theory just means coffee, but in practice is a stronger cup than what you get from drip coffee maker. Moka pots force steam through their puck at only about 1.5 bars of pressure, whereas espresso forces hot water at about 9 bars of pressure. A typical brew from

Back in Ye Olde days, a farm worker could see tangible results from his work at harvest... Now, working in offices, I send off reports or compiled data or sales analysis or whatever...it never sees the light of day, I can’t show my mom, it’s just busywork that contributes nothing of real value to society other,

You should check out the book No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty. He founded NaNoWriMo, and the book has strategies for writing even when you aren’t sure what you’re going to write about.