
And just to get this out of the way: dating isn’t a competition. Nobody—except for sociopaths, anyway—keeps a spreadsheet tally of people’s points and decides who to date by who’s got the highest score. You’re not “competing” with other guys; you’re competing against a night alone. It’s not that she’s trying to

In theory, shouldn’t the day care providers and workers be collecting unemployment like everyone else? I’m happy to prepay for services in this situation (pay now and get the service later, when things reopen). I do not see just giving people free money.

Regardless of whatever else Dr. Nerdlove says, I feel like there’s a persistent implication that unless you are in the top 5 percent of looks and/or “social calibration,” a guy should pretty much never ask anyone out, ever. Unless, of course, you’re in an environment where that is explicitly sanctioned (like a dating

“What if everyone behaved the way I am behaving?”

I do think the felony murder rule makes sense in some circumstances, but that’s not the issue; I still wouldn’t want someone put to death over it.

I don’t like the death penalty. But when people (serial killers, for example) do terrible things to other human beings, I get it. At least, I get why some people understand that as justice. I can also get the felony murder rule; if my buddy and I stick up a gas station and he shoots someone, I can’t weasel out of it

LW2: This is a tale as old as time - or at least as old as PhD programs. I disagree with this bit of Dr. NerdLove’s advice:

I still haven’t forgiven United Airlines since that one time they trashed my guitar and shrugged it off when I complained.

I still haven’t forgiven United Airlines since that one time they trashed my guitar and shrugged it off when I

When I started undergrad, the standard for engineers in my field was $50K+ to start. By the time I graduated, you were lucky to make $30K if you could find a job. I certainly didn’t “see it coming.” I worked hard, worked part time in addition to a full time job, and eventually I made things better for myself.

There are literally dozens of us!

If we’re going to be serious about this, I don’t actually know any women who would seriously date a man just because he had money, though I’m sure such women exist somewhere. That said, no, I don’t really have redeeming qualities that I can “leverage.” I’m not great looking and I simply don’t have a personality that

It is hard for me to see Kelsey as BoJack’s “victim.” He came up with an idea, she agreed to it, and unfortunately, she paid the price. That is on Turtletop, not on BoJack. Kelsey is largely an echo of BoJack’s betrayal of Herb, but he intentionally threw Herb under the bus. His failure to keep in contact with Herb

I’m trying hard to figure out how being pregnant is a “walk of life.”

Getting a date in the first place” is setting my expectations too high?

What if divulging how much money I have is the only hope I have of getting a date in the first place?

AC-SHUALLY, a get (or gett) is a legal document in Jewish religious law that releases a woman from her marriage. Ha HA!

The joke is that s/he never wants to eat at Olive Garden, and therefore can eat “as many times as [s/he] want[s]” for $0. 

I think that’s a great technique, though I’m sure the child was aware of what you were implying.

​‘Informed consent’ is for medical procedures, not sex. You aren’t entitled to know every bad or questionable thing a potential partner has ever done based on the theory that it might change your decision to sleep with them.

Chain restaurants fail all the time. I’m not saying that every place should do what they did, just that you can build some good will from a customer even if they didn’t specifically complain.