Taking care of a baby will do that to a man. https://jezebel.com/is-ariana-grande-actually-a-baby-an-investigation-1669981980
Arianna Grande aged Big Sean ten years.
THANK YOU. I've been telling people for years that Michael Jordan was basically league-average, he just had great stats.
I was born and raised in Montgomery County, MD and just moved to Fairfax so I’ve been here my whole life.
Oh, so you don’t actually disagree with the sentiment here, you’re just being pedantic.
You clicked on the article
Yeah, pretty certain 1 out of every 2,430 games is rare.
News story truther
The tiny monster that lives inside the saggy flesh suit we know as Jerry Jones has a caustic reaction to marijuana smoke. If players just start lighting up around him the tiny monster will be forced to slither out the anus of the flesh suit and burrow back down to the depths of hell from where it came. Do the math…
I just Googled “Alex Ovechkin Stanley Cup” and “Bryce Harper World Series”
I got more hits searching for “mentally healthy adult film star”
You see, I mentioned LeBron just delivered a title to a title starved town as a hometown guy. KD is a hometown guy in DC. I don’t just have shiny words, I can also infer things
What? Every wiz game is on CSN, all 82 unless they are on national TV. Great job there buddy, fantastic idiotic comment.
I mean. Boston is in a much better situation and he could immediately make them better (as they could convert a bunch of incompatible pieces into players that work well with Durant as the center). The Clippers financial situation means they have no shot.
You REALLY think they wouldn’t anoint him because they have good players in other sports?
They expect titles they will not win and feel betrayed by the players when they lose. Again. Every season.
You may not have noticed I mentioned winning a title. I know reading half of my post is certainly something to be proud of but maybe next time you should read all of it before commenting.
I think people, and particular NBA journalists for some reason, way overestimate the value of “coming home” for many players. Playing in your home city has to be a gigantic distraction, with constant requests for tickets, exposure to an even larger number of hangers-on, people who were vague acquaintances in high…
LeBron just won his chronically useless, sports black hole, title drought mired city a title. No fucking way KD is going near that kind of absurd expectation. He’d be put on a pedestal for the purpose of making it easier for horrible entitled DMV fans to throw things at him. Thus the endless search to find one athlete…