
Didn't somebody say they were all gonna pick the same Jay-Z song?

The media has multiple opportunities to connect with players in multiple settings. The idea that the writers need to be in the locker room in order to do their jobs is absolutely not true. Coaches and players have formal press availability in media rooms where no music is playing, no one is showering or changing

I'm making a special pleading case? Really? Do you mind sending a link to the copy of the brief I filed because my copy is missing. I'm trying to exempt the locker room from the standards that apply to the rest of the workplace? Or I'm pointing out the fact, the fact, that there are things that may be appropriate

"Mike Wise made a valid criticism of the vulgarity of the lyrics in the music being played in the Pacers locker room. You refused to address that point and instead have repeatedly tried to argue that because it's a locker room and because it's different from other work places his criticism is not only unfair but

Are you a Republican? I'm wondering because you're doing this thing that GOP strategists love to do where you accuse the other person of doing what you're doing. First you offered a distinction without a difference (a conversation about what is acceptable in different workplaces IS a conversation about workplaces

There are a couple of wildly contradictory ideas here, but let me stick to one. And before that, let me start off by pointing out something basic:

The first season of Game of Thrones was excellent, right? And the showrunners had a huge role in making it excellent, right? What role did non-existent online commentary

#1, that wasn't directed at you.
#2, I was joking.
#3, it's the height of sophistry to pretend you want a debate and then completely avoid it because it's inconvenient to you to admit that you're accusing others of doing exactly what you're doing. If you don't want to read my comment, don't read it. If you don't want

I'm not angry at all. You typing something stupid doesn't make me angry, it makes me laugh. I gave specific examples of things that made a locker room environment different than my workplace or any other workplace I've experienced. It's interesting that you didn't respond to any of those examples. Now you've

Well put. I was typing angrily when this posted.

This is, quite possibly, the dumbest justification for anything I'll read all day. I really hope that's true because it's exceptionally dumb. All workplaces are not created equal. I can't play Tyga's music through speakers in my office. True. Can you think of anything else that happens in an NBA locker room that

I get what you're going for, but the fault in this is with Wise's words:

"I know of no other minority in the world co-opting a dehumanizing, racial slur used by its oppressor."

Race isn't the only context in which one can be a minority, nor is it the only context in which one can co-opt a dehumanizing slur. It's

"It's going to be great, or terrible, or just the same Jay-Z song 30 times in a row."

That's the most Grantland shit I've read all day.

Jaxon? Fucking Jaxon?

"Christ, I know pig is delicious, but there are limits."

If those limits were not reached when people started eating their intestines, I don't know why the ears should be considered off limits. Unless pigs work differently than people, the worst thing that comes out of a pig ear is pig ear wax. I trust you know what

Wait, let me make sure I understand this (I'm also late to the party): You think people are just "claiming" to love pepperoni pizza? It's the most popular pizza topping through peer pressure, shame, and the pack mentality? No chance. Pepperoni is excellent. Other than bacon (and/or good quality sausage - a

They're turtles that can talk and drive and walk on their hind legs and know martial arts. And this is true because they were exposed to toxic goo and trained by an anthropomorphic rodent. You're focused on their mouths and nostrils?!?! Really?

The solution is obviously original content. And I don't think Damn It All means that you guys should write more original content. I think you have to start your own leagues, compete in those leagues, and then cover the results of those competitions. And you damn well better do it before anyone else posts about it!

Your whole argument is essentially blaming unionization as a concept for the notion that ADs are unscrupulous and the fact that they universities made choices (like conference participation/non-regional alignment) based upon the system as it was rather than as it might be in the future. None of that has any

I wouldn't need the Internet for anything else after that. It would make everything complete.

And his facial expression could be anything. Sideline interview boredom. Maniacal laughter. The melancholy Bill Murray face. "How does it look?" anticipation. Anything.

Why go with an interpretive dance of implied racism when you can look at the specifics of how the site has covered his career to this point:

He's a phenomenal talent who isn't in any way, shape, form, or fashion an "old school player" that is likely to be embraced by "old school fans." That shit is overrated anyway,