
You seem to have your own set of opinions on what does/doesn't count as an athletic pursuit. They seem to be very strongly held. They also seem to be vague and arbitrary, so I'm just wondering how you measured up against the person you're criticizing based upon a standard that we can actually objectively compare.

Unless Tiger Woods was married to you or someone you personally know, I guess I just don't understand how his rampant and blatant adultery impacts you.

I'm not going to address his relationship with the media or his air of self-importance because he has single-handedly revolutionized golf for his peers and the media

Care to elaborate on why you wish nothing but failure upon him?

How'd you shoot at Augusta last year?

Answer your own question: What if he killed a 14 year old in cold blood? DeSean Jackson is responsible for the actions of every single person he knows?

Or let's turn it on its head: What if one of DeSean Jackson's friends started a non-profit that provided neonatal vitamins to 10,000 women last year, saving the

I'm having the same issue as joe. Apparently like a great track in iTunes, you have a maximum star rating.


So the ball just shoots off abruptly after Schweinsteiger's boot enters the frame because... magic?

Weird that the ball clearly moves in the direction Schweinsteiger's foot was moving before Rooney reacted to any... contact... You can tell from both angles.

He's 5' 11" and 170 lbs and he's averaging 8.5 ppg, 5 apg, 2.1 rpg in 29.4 minutes. The NBA shouldn't make a peep about this if they think this counts as bad judgement. In two years, he'll have the other hand free to take two photos simultaneously.

Yes, I'm sure the image-conscious NBA will be up in arms over this. Naadir Tharpe isn't A.C. Green. No hoops for you!

I hear you, Coach. Extremely disappointing. Definitely something to address. Definitely something that should be handled. It appears that one of your basketball players may be sexually active. And he's a junior, so that's gotta make him somewhere between 19 and 21 years old. Call a team meeting. It's time.


The NCAA and the BCS go hand-in-hand. So help me understand how academic scandals involving student-athletes are inextricably linked with "BCS schools" but the NCAA is somehow free and clear of the problems surfacing at those institutions.

There was a joke there... Go back and look for it, but be warned... It might jump out at you suddenly and you'll be surprised to realize it was there all along.

There was a joke there... Go back and look for it, but be warned... It might jump out at you suddenly and you'll be surprised to realize it was there all along.

It seems like Jonathan Graham should pick a lane. Were the police to be praised for their actions because they were patient with the crowds? Or were the crowds partying after a loss and not trying to cause problems? Because if the latter is true, it would seem like the police reaction to this was disproportionate.

Indeed, people are stupid. And indeed, there are a wide range of possible reactions to this. I just don't have the energy to provide cover to the people reacting to this stupidly. It's one thing for someone who never watches the show to react to what they think they're hearing or reading. But for people who claim

And how often do you find your own drool on your keyboard?

Who helped you log on?

I was responding to one part of what you typed and one part of what you typed only:

"HAPPEN to be Korean-American, huh?"