
Is there a reason why you're incapable or unwilling to answer a simple question? Did you go to Dook?

Rapid fire and in no particular order: I could light myself on fire re: The Chris Paul/Wake Forest thing. I think I closed my eyes and pictured his uniform color and my mind went straight to GaTech. That's the last time I let my girlfriend's strategy for how she picked her brackets to infiltrate my Internetting!


Reasonable people can disagree on this. I think gaining starting experience for a D-1 program in a premiere conference is more valuable than being a sixth man on a loaded championship team and never having a play called for you. Or starting on a pro team that loses a metric ton of games and has a bunch of veterans

It seems pretty clear to me that Marvin made a defensibly ridiculous decision. He didn't start a single game in Chapel Hill. He didn't play enough to demonstrate that he was a go-to player in the clutch. He didn't seem to have a go-to move. And he still doesn't seem to have demonstrated any of that. So, if you

Well, you identified yourself as a Dook fan. Before that you suggested that either this post or the action by the fan in the video was "[t]ypical hate on" Dook that "does get ridiculous for a while." After identifying yourself as a Dook fan, you suggest that people don't seem to "have anything else to do" other than

Interesting that you concluded your response by naming a collection of All Stars and surefire HOFers but couldn't find Anthony Bennett or Greg Oden or Sam Bowie in your memory bank.

You're coming at this from two completely different angles simultaneously and you're not really addressing my point, which explains why

Unless Paul Hughes is trying to cover up Qatar's involvement in the September 11th attacks, I don't think anything in his last paragraph represents more than an idle threat with nothing whatsoever to back it up. Nothing in the headline suggests that Qatar was involved in September 11th. I don't think I've ever heard

"Yeah, a lower pick might work harder to earn that money, but he's theoretically doing it to compensate for a lack of talent that a top pick might have."

This and the Easterbrook reference tell me that you missed my point. I didn't suggest that money, notoriety, or a fat contract equates to anything, but especially

Just wait a little while. You'll eventually be old enough to realize that if you "take the money and run" but can't show your face in the bank again because you aren't playing well enough to earn a lucrative second contract, then you screwed yourself. Given the choice between cashing those lucrative first contract

Marvin Williams. And I'm a Tar Heel fan.

I'm reading this thread almost a month later and my initial reaction to what you originally wrote was "good point, bad analogy... Meteor strikes are more common than people think..." Your wording was imprecise. Your meaning was relatively easy to suss out as the exchange continued. But suggesting that there was

She's got an authoritative, sophisticated, brunette Whitney Port thing going here. I'm going to try all of these tips.

Did you go to Dook?

That's actually a perfectly legitimate approach.

I have to weigh in on the hook shot piece, because while I loved reading this, his answer drove me nuts: Most of the guys in the league now probably started playing basketball competitively when they were 5-10 years old, right? How is it reasonable to say that current players don't use the hook shot because it

I grew up in Michigan and I've always loved O Canada. I have a number of friends from upstate NY who I've bonded with over a shared love of singing it in public when really drunk. Re-reading that, it sounds insufferable and that's probably true. Anyway, I say that to say that the idea that it isn't good, doesn't

I've got a North Carolina, some South Carolinas, a New Jersey, some Ohios, some Indianas, and a bunch of "Canadians get to play in this thing now?"

I could have sworn that Richard Sherman's Twitter account was for Richard Sherman to share Richard Sherman's opinions. Which was 1/3 of my point. And the other 2/3 basically boils down to "Maybe Richard Sherman doesn't need the opinion of a complete stranger as to how he uses his free time or his Twitter account..."

Actually, I live in Maryland. Does that help you make your point at all?

Okay, so what's your point? Let's go back to your "strong take" for a second. You "like" Richard Sherman (you've met Richard Sherman and spent quality time in his presence?) but you don't like that he's doing what he wants to do with his own

I don't know how much money you make, how good you are, or where you live, but shouldn't you be considering your own advice? You're online talking shit about Richard Sherman.