
The problem with Souls-like games is that they usually focus too much on the wrong aspects of making them like Souls games.

I don’t know, man. Mario Kart 8 is an almost 10 year old game. Can’t we just let Waluigi have this one? The guy doesn’t get much.

See that’s what I’m saying- She’s moving from being sexually harassed by slimy producers AND sexually harassed/doxxed/deepfaked by a horde of randos online to ONLY being sexually harassed/doxxed/deepfaked by a horde of randos online.

Super HBO Max+ Turbo -Championship Edition- (& Knuckles): FINAL MIX

I both support and encourage this decision.

In what way? Seems like the only aspect of her situation that’s changed is the elimination of having to work for/with a bunch of sleazebags.

Man, this just cements my theory that the younger generations of video game meme culture are like... two steps away from basically recreating early-2000s Newgrounds while believing they’ve made something new.

I mean, the Mario Kart 8 meta was more or less figured out like 8 years ago, at this point picking another racer is just intentionally choosing to lose. You’re free to have fun while you’re losing but you know what you’re signing up for the second you put Yoshi in the Blue Falcon.

Not sure, I’m a bit out of the loop on Destiny right now. I just know they made some MAJOR changes to menus and character building in general.

-“Boruto Anime is Finally Ending”

To be fair, the only aspect of the game that seems to actually take place in the 1800s is the lore’s placement on the canon’s timeline.

It’s okay guys, they just had to delay it so they could update the UI and Inventory system to incorporate the all the new QoL updates from the Lightfall expansion.

When I did the Pokemon League interview, I told them Medali/Larry was the gym I struggled with the most, because it was- I was a really under-leveled and lost the battle a few times.

Should have read all the text on the drive better and they would have known it couldn’t be removed unless their life points were between 4000 and 5300, their opponent controlled no more than 3 cards in the spell/trap zone and at least 3 winged-beast monster had been sent to the graveyard this turn.

Overtly defining AI-generated images as “plagiarism” seems like a slippery slope that could lead to any art provably influenced by another person’s art as plagiarism. Yes, I get that the AI systems are literally TAKING- often against the will of the original artist- pieces of work and processing them to make it’s

I’m not saying that any of those games were started and finished this year. They’re just the ones we’ve seen released in the last year.

It was originally a Gamecube game that got delayed (/intentionally held back to be the new console) which caused it to be released about 6 months into the Wii’s lifespan.

Yeah, don’t misinterpret what I said as a slight against Super Paper Mario. I love the game. Nintendo just made a big mistake with it’s release timing (Tldr- it was the first Mario game on the console being bought en masse by millions of people who hadn’t played a Mario game since NES/SNES and were very much not

Seems like lately the site really has to hit some hard quotas on posting articles about certain things.

My “best of all time” list would contain shit like Dynamite Headdy and Space Station Silicon Valley while also containing very few of the last decade’s “Game of the Year” candidates.