
This is shaping up to very possibly be the video game equivalent of The Room and I’m here for it.

As someone who was absolutely through the roof to see one of their favourite (and honestly underrated) PS1 classics getting a surprise sequel 22 years later, the immense disappointment I feel from this is damn near soul-crushing.

I would argue that the steam version is now officially much better than the DS version.

FFXIV has such good writing I have such high hopes for this.

Astrologer feels like Easy Mode when it comes to bosses. Make sure you visit the “Church of Elleh” at night (it’s one of the first fast travel points, just north of the starting area). You’ll get an item that lets you summon various creatures into battle to fight alongside you. The wolf summon you get with it will be

Eh. I’m sure you’ll be able to customize them. I’ll be ditching the hat immediately.

If you’re suggesting I’ve “moved the goalposts" by explaining what the term “contemporary” means, I don’t think there’s much more I can say that you won’t struggle to comprehend.

In case anyone was uncertain:

By “it’s contemporaries in the modern handheld market” I do largely mean “the other games of the same/similar genre on Switch that don’t look like shit” You know, your Dragon Quest XIs and Xenoblade 2s.

I stand corrected. Could have sworn they were the same but it’s actually just the some of the animations they’ve carried over from PBR.

If that’s your idea of high-quality textures you are going to have your mind absolutely blown when you see what games not on the Switch look like.

That Lucario model is literally the same one they used in Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii. In 2006.

Hey, I will happily concede that point. Handhelds have come a long way. I still think Pokemon looks like ass compared to it’s contemporaries in the modern handheld market but I will admit it certainly has a leg up on handheld games from three generations ago.

I mean, obviously I’d expect modern hardware to be able to do things we couldn’t do 20 years ago, but saying the visuals in Pokemon blows stuff from the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era “out of the water” is the definition of hyperbole.

They aren’t “partially incomplete” games though. They are two, fully complete games with the exact same content in both.

Yeah if we can just continue this trend and get a new apple dino every gen that'd be great

I mean, Pokemon games typically release in mid/late November so there’s still plenty of time for people to play Arceus.

I guess people had hoped Nintendo would be cool about it and let it stay for the sake of the fans?

Graphics still look three generations outdated but at least it looks like they’re making up for it with artstyle a bit. The colors and varied structures definitely help the game look a lot more appealing than PLA’s muddy, depressing fields.

In case anyone’s wondering, this is 100% because of the Sony ownership.