
This took me about 5 minutes. Feel free to call me any time, Capcom.

You take that back right now. 

Hell, I’d ignore the gear too. Have you seen Pokemon card prices? I could fill just my pants pockets with enough cards that they’d be worth more than the whole shelf of gaming stuff.

Sometimes I really wonder how games like Call of Duty even manage to have pro teams at all considering the (competitive) playerbase’s reputation of being mostly made of socially inept forever-teen boys.

I mean, advocating for the removal of a groups human rights is really not a great topic to make a silly joke about these days, considering... you know, everything. Plenty of better topics to have a laugh about right now.

I’m pretty sure the last few decades of emulation efforts are literally the definition of “getting serious” about game preservation.

Well that reddit plot leak from a few months ago seems to be holding up alright. I really need to stop reading those things.

I know you mean this in terms of graphics and general gameplay but I personally love the idea of Monolith-style Pokemon battles where the Pokemon and their Trainers are all continuously shouting voice lines at each other nonstop while they fight.

Fun fact: Some time ago I actually pitched a “Nintendo Power” app for Switch to Nintendo (of America). The idea was a sort of “virtual magazine” filled with info on upcoming Nintendo games, short, partially animated comics, little mini-games you could play, tips and tricks for already-released games (with built in

It makes me so happy to see Luigi’s Mansion 3 over 11 million copies sold. NLG producing content on the same level as Nintendo themselves.

It’s because the “mr.” distinction is actually just a product of the localization from Japanese. (A decision made at a point in time where Pokemon didn’t have genders so it wouldn’t have been an issue).

Before we shit on this poor man too much let’s take a hot step right the fuck back to remind ourselves that he’s not giving us a new bag or adding in any way to the total volume of our carrying satchel.

No... they’re always like this.

It’s the year 2027.

In North America, laws like this are basically bought.

Me neither! Just an FYI that this concept applies to resources that require Pokemon to harvest as well (Basically, berry trees and ore deposits that require you toss a Pokemon out in its general vicinity to gather items), you can absolutely just toss a Pokemon out as you’re running past them and your Pokemon will just

Sadly I don’t think any of the graphical issues are patchable. I suspect they just made a lot of concessions with the visuals to keep it running well. Game Freak aren’t the best at optimization.

You have full control of your character and the camera during battle (both wild and trainer battles) The only time you don’t is when your Pokemon’s turn comes up and you need to issue a command. Other than that, you’re free to move as you please during battle. Don’t get too close to the action though!

I’m glad! Give it a try! As an adult fan of the series who’s been steadily losing interest in the games each generation, this one managed to completely rekindle my love for Pokemon and has me actually looking forward to what’s going to come next!

The best thing about the game is the way it respects your time, in total contrast to every other entry in the series.