
I think the problem was that most people- myself included- played the main campaign, which was less “strategy” and more “Just move your 1 or 2 strong guys, from one end of the map to the other” and wrote the game off as child’s play.

I can confirm alpha Gardevoirs do appear in the game in case anyone really needed that.

Ah yugioh, you either hit that opening Skill Drain or you watch someone play solitaire for 8 minutes using 20 cards each with enough text to fill a young adult novel.

Also worth mentioning that the film’s soundtrack features a number of tracks composed by Grant Kirkhope (of Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 fame).

Oof. Good thing you have the time. The Mass Effect trilogy alone would take me the better part of a year to get through now. Glad I played through it when I was younger and had the proper time to devote to it.

Nah man, it’s the opposite really!

I’m looking forward to it. Just waiting to be in that mood where I just want to completely lose myself in a game and it’s world. I’ve managed to stay unspoiled all this time, so I do intend to go in completely blind!

Game Pass needs to slow the fuck down.

If anyone’s disappointed they couldn’t get in on this, let me know.

Hey guys, I’m gonna stream some TV shows tonight and I’ll probably get banned so if you wanna go ahead and throw my name and links to my channel up on the front page- you know, just to get the news about this terrible situation out there-, I’d really appreciate it.

I sincerely hope for the sake of the Halo fans there isn’t enough Esports money in this game for them to go full Overwatch and completely balance all the fun out of the game.

Pro tip:

Mechanically, it looks like the most interesting Pokemon game in a decade.

Based on what they’ve shown and the way they talk about it, the game is surprisingly far along in development considering the thing has been/is being developed in parrallel to the biggest MMORPG of the last decade.

Man... I loved SMT IV but V is just such a tedious slog of a game. IV got that way at times too, but I feel like it at least had some cool plot hooks to keep me pushing through.

I mean, sure? It’s not like it’s any less stupid in any other scenario.

Open Twitch right now. Check the IRL section. Check the hot tub/beach section. I just counted about 20 male nipples over the course of a 1 minute scan. Guess we can expect a historically massive ban wave coming tonight, huh?

This is exactly why every time Twitch prattles on about all the great things they do to make the platform better for less-represented groups of people, the follow-up question should always be:

I’d like to point out that although it feels bad to be putting any money whatsoever into the pocket of a guy who’s potentially gonna use it to enable dangerous people, this game was worked on by a lot of very talented individuals- many of whom were actually industry first-timers excited to land such a big property as

It’s fun. The combat and party customization/monster collecting is a pretty good time.