
I would gladly pay Nintendo for “access” to N64 games if they took the time to optimize them for Switch and maybe even add options for widescreen, higher resolutions and better textures.

I’d have to believe you haven’t been playing Nintendo consoles for very long if an Animal Crossing Expansion and having someone else make a Metroid game once a decade or so is enough to convince you Nintendo is trying their best after roughly 20 years of half-baked emulators and laughably bare-bones online

“Sorry we (once again) did the absolute bare minimum and you- our beloved paying customer- are stuck with a janky, half-working version of a thing amateur enthusiasts have had functioning perfectly for decades.

Correct. Aside from the last one which I suppose could be misconstrued as someone overvaluing the internet’s opinion on the personal lives of rich people, I really dont see how any of those tweets were people “literally thinking they make a celeb’s life better because they tweet their support for them.”

...Except that claim came entirely from the author of this article and not a single twitter user (“blue checkmark” or otherwise) really implied it?

Yeah, converting the mass Pokemon grave into a radio station really did wonders for the town’s morale. I’m guessing they just burned all the corpses since that tends to make ghosts go away in most fictional universes.

Might want to do you research there, pal. There’s no “opinion” being disagreed with or even a discussion on “who is best” for LGBT rights. He literally sent money directly to the accounts of several specific individuals who have actively endangered LGBT youth in his home state.

Hot Coffee in vr or we riot.

Nobody is shitting on him because he’s Christian. They’re shitting on him because he did a shitty thing that Christian people are pretty infamous for doing at this point.

In his interactions with his (largely very young) fanbase, he made himself out to be very supporting of all lifestyles and even donated some money to fan efforts supporting causes that would benefit LGBT+ youth.

I feel like you could probably compile a better list of goth characters in video games if you went back further than like, 3/4 years.

Mel Brooks sure has died a lot for a guy who isn’t dead. Starting to give Gene a run for his money.

Is the VR audience still that small?

I think the general disdain for swords came mostly from the Fire Emblem characters. Despite being a less popular series, FE had 7 characters at launch (only Mario and Pokemon had more) and of the 7 of them, 4 were just slightly different versions of Marth.

He controls like an empty plastic bag on a windy day.

I haven’t really looked at any leaked footage because I want to play it for myself but I cant help but wonder how they’re handling certain other aspects of the game.

I don’t think Pokemon needs FULL voice acting, like every single line of dialog.

Which really only makes it feel sillier that its 2021 and the characters in the franchise-heading video games are all all still mimes.

Just because it’s always been their MO doesn’t make it any less silly.

So no new costume for Gengar? No nothing for Gengar? For the Halloween event?