
Everyone: So the games can’t be run offline and the quality of their experiences is completely at the mercy of how your internet connection is behaving on any given day

Bash my boy how did you manage to omit the word “quest” from every instance you wrote the title of a Dragon Quest game, including the headline?

“We may not have spent time writing a coherent plot or believable characters, but you can bet your ass we’ve come up with a cool term for every object, concept and mechanic that exists in this universe.”

Well, the first Rumble was a WiiWare game and I think the “toy” idea was born as an excuse to explain why they used really low-poly models with next to no animation for all the Pokemon (the real reason, of course, being the wii’s technical limitations when it came to having a lot of characters on screen at once).

In the Rumble spin-off games, the Pokemon are all mechanical toys- they even start each battle with a key winding them up. So gears actually do make more sense here.

I love Cytus and I love my Switch but holy shit, how many “not-quite-DJMAX” games do I need to buy to convince the right people to get the real deal on here?

Okay but can we fuck Yusuke in this one?

Also two kids here. When persona 5 first came out I only had the one and it took me just about the entire year to reach a point where I felt like I had definitively “finished “ the game.

Wrong. In the “real world”, running a journalism network is a business and business is about the bottom line.

I don’t know which gawker employee hurt you but you can take it from me that having one of the biggest gaming news blogs on your resume is definitely a pretty big positive.

Yeah price is gonna be important. If the Stadia version of Assassins Creed is gonna be full of input delay, be prone to stuttering and be completely unplayable offline, it sure as hell better not cost as much as it is on other platforms.

I mean it looks great but are we really gonna keep referring to it as “a Zelda game” when it’s clearly just a Crypt of the Necrodancer sequel with a Zelda theme?

I’m just referring to the layout of the face buttons. Where Y is the top one and A is the bottom one. On Nintendo controllers/DS consoles, the A button is in the “right” position and Y is in the “left” position.

I mean I get what’s being implied here but there are plenty of high-profile gaming youtubers not in the pic. (Pewd, Markiplier, the Grumps)

Oh great, another controller that uses Microsoft’s weird backwards button layout.

Cool. Hopefully this is making them a ton of money because they sure seem to be funnelling a lot of their time and resources into the esports stuff while the rest of the Overwatch player base continues dropping at a steady rate.

I feel like you just answered your own question by specifically mentioning AC and Anthem- two games famous for having messy, buggy launches thanks to being rushed through the QA phase to meet a deadlne.

Fun fact: Pokemon TCGO actually did the opposite. It launched with an option to turn off animations completely and then a later patch removed the option and made them mandatory.

Okay, cool. Can we get to work on Bravely Third now please?

I've come to believe the first two As in AAA stand for "additional purchases required" and "almost finished" but what does the last one stand for?