
While I would in no way like to dimnish from the idea that people’s lives have undergone some major important changes in the wait for KH3, I just can’t find any of them nearly as crazy as the fact that I played through KH3 with a little human being sitting next to me who literally didn’t even exist when I played KH2.

I notice you updated the article to remove the name of the site who printed your physical copy. From one Persona fan to another, can I still get a physical copy from that site (despite their ToS stating issues with trademarked assets) or is there somewhere else I can look?

Hell, I play a lot of stuff on PC and I’d much rather play a CCG on mobile. It just suits the gameplay better.

Well at least they’re not charging full price for a mini-game collection with less than 10 hours of content.

I can’t help but feel that people who complain that a visual novel is “just reading” are the same people who complain when a book doesn’t have pictures.

Little Mac is still essentially half a character. Great on the ground, but no aerial presence at all.

Yeah... And its too bad because there were points in the game where I was really getting pulled in and if they had kept the pacing going and not abruptly stopped and started it several times the game could have been great 

I think it’s pretty obvious the similarities we’re talking about come in the form of the themes and concepts used in the storytelling for both.

Yeah, I'd heard of the game but mostly forgotten about it. Saying "if you like Zero Escape you will like this" is a pretty good way to pique my interest in something though so I'm gonna have to give that a game a serious look. 

The character writing is great when you’re exploring and just letting the characters interact. As soon as the plot shows up though, the characters suddenly start acting out of character just so the story can hit certain beats.

For an example of this kind of story done correctly, I cannot recommend the Zero Escape series of video games enough. Especially the second one. 

Marth not recognizing glorious King Dedede as royalty...

And this isn’t even the Last Surprise!

Tl; dr: Sony’s not doing e3 this year because they’d probably just be showing off the same games they showed at last years.

The article is about Overwatch not PUBG 

Wow look at you two go. It’s like watching two people argue over whether eating shit is worse than drinking diarrhea.

Hey guys! We’re here to celebrate all things Xbox!

I'm just gonna drop a great big YES PLEASE for a future season centered on Soma Cruz

Oh good. Guess that means all the supporting characters in the movie will be nameless generic Toads.

I’ll concede that Xenoblade 2 is second-grade at least. Not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but certainly nowhere near the level of stuff like Dragon Quest XI or Persona 5.