
As with most of SE’s Steam releases, CT teeeeechically isn’t a “port” of the mobile version so much as it literally IS the mobile version running in an emulator

Yeah, there’s definitely a difference between the activities but I think the issue most people (including myself) have is, like you said,the timing and the general message being conveyed by the event.

How is that even a remotely similar concept?

“Let’s take a moment to remember those recently affected by real-world gun violence and the toll that had on their community”

Wish they’d skip the spin-off characters and give us more of the cast from Super.

Eh. It’s always been game made by a fly-by-night developer looking to make a quick buck off an “early access” game they never intended to finish. The popularity led them to ride it out a bit longer than planned but the cracks are starting to show.

Please please please PLEASE let this have local multiplayer Tin Pin Slammer

The levels.

People who want a good FPS on a handheld?

Running a game natively on a console is always, always going to be a much better overall experience than streaming it from one to another.

The porting process requires no effort on their part whatsoever. Just Dance is basically just a collection of videos with a sort of faux scoring system thrown in to make it seem more like a game.

Funny enough, the Pokemon TCG is even worse when it comes to this. The cardpool in any given format allows for a huge amoint of deckbuilding options but maybe only about 10-20% of the card pool actually sees play in any sort of competitive setting.

I watched a streamer I like (Vinesauce) get harassed a bit about playing Undertale but as someone who stays away from sites like Tumblr, Deviantart and the like, I didn’t see a lot of the toxicity people often bring up.

Now if they could just port over one of the good Disgaea games, we’ll be set.

Good lord Nerf Now!, I love you, but check your grammar before posting a comic. That was almost painful to read. 

Why on Earth would they port the 3DS version to the Switch?

Probably the silliest argument I’ve ever heard.

HD Dynamite Headdy?

While we’re on the subject- the Dualshock4 has a gyroscope in it, right? Why is Wii U’s Splatoon literally the only shooter I can think of to utilize a combination of traditional and gyroscopic controls? It works amazingly well for shooters, even rivaling mouse-and-keyboard in my opinion.

What’s that blacked out bit there Mr. Fox?