
My PS3's been packed away since we got the PS4 a year or so ago so I’m looking forward to playing songs like Senbonzakura and Two-Faced Lovers again!

Everyone here is complaining about Edward being Asian and I just wanna know if Alphonse is shitty cg or an actual guy in a suit.

I never said I wanted monetization to go away. Just that I’d rather see a focus on original content.

I understand Fair Use just fine. Youtube content creators should be allowed to use footage from movies/games as they please along with any opinions they may have on the subject matter.


Hey, maybe Youtube will go back to being a place for people to share videos rather than a place where people go to try and make money by imposing their face over something that somebody else made.

No emulator required.

PSA: Exeggcute are actually large seeds- not eggs.

The only Sonic-related thing that has remained consistently good over the years is the music.

We’ve really come a long way since the “cult-classic Game Boy Color game” days, haven’t we?

“Wait, everyone’s gonna make fun of us for making it laughably dark and ‘edgy’, we gotta make it more like Marvel’s stuff.”

-gives every character an Iron Man suit-

Remember how it felt when you found out it’s pronounced “Ray-kway-zuh” and not “Ray-kwah-zuh”?

Ultimate Medley feels like the last boss of the entire Project Diva series. All the songs that have stumped me throughout the years rolled up into one infuriating package.

I love and respect Miyamoto more than almost any other game designer in the world.

The problem with the term “SJW” is that while it was designed with pure intention and some who use it truly have it’s original meaning at heart, it’s kind of been corrupted by the “Tumblr SJWs”.

You know, the narrow-minded agenda-pushing asshats who perpetually post disgusting, hate-filled bs directed at every social

Ooh I definitely recommend getting a 3DS for the Bravely Games if you’re an RPG guy. Fantastic games, both of them.

Hey, you’re entitled to your opinion!

You’re certainly correct that this is a good year for us RPG fans. Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5 and Bravely Second all in one year is pretty much all I could ask for as an RPG fan.

A new Pokemon generation on top of that is like a nice little dessert.

I was referring more to which one I’d buy first if they were both released within a close timeframe like in Japan.

I can only speak for myself, but I’m a big fan of both franchises and I would absolutely buy Persona 5, even if it meant not getting FF XV. The Persona games have been very consistently solid whereas I have an entire trilogy of awful FF XIII games on PS3.

Where is Bravely Second and why is it not at the top of this list.