
Yeah I thought it looked cool. Like a less boring Monster Hunter where targeting specific body parts takes the battle in different directions and the monsters actually react to being hit. Also robots.

By my count, at least half (if not slightly more) of the games they showed are scheduled be out by the end of the year. Who knows how many of those will stick and not get delayed but they definitely had some 2015 stuff on offer.
...and that’s not even including other 2015 releases like Persona 5 which they brought to

I agree that Recore was cool thematically, yes, but it was just a cg cutscene which did feature a gun-toting hero, so for all we know it’s just another FPS.

Sony is the hands-down winner. Both they and Microsoft had some great reveals in their shows but I feel Sony had more of a variety in their lineup. Sony had everything from hardcore action games to family-oriented stuff to JRPGs. Microsoft’s lineup was pretty rooty-tooty point-n-shooty

Good call. Letting kids virtually experience sexual intimacy would only serve to distract them from the much more developmentally crucial virtual experiences like murdering people.

I’m sure it would because Yooka-Laylee has 90% of the talent that made BK great behind it and a new Rare-made Banjo would have 0% of the talent that made BK behind it.

Well you have to keep in mind that “RARE” is literally a completely different group of people than it was back in its heyday. The creative minds behind the great Rare games have all moved on.

I’m glad they didn’t try to do a Banjo game or something because it would just pale in comparison to Yooka-Laylee.

Liked paying for buggy, half-finished games on PC? Now you can do it on console too! Master Race no more!

Don’t forget that new controller for Halo!


I liked Tales of Destiny and Tales of the Abyss.

They used actual words in their titles.

Not just the dragons- the menu layout, the manner of progression, the entire structure of the game (Using coins and monster fusion to upgrade, rare rainbow-colored stones for other functions, getting monsters through eggs, using stamina to complete levels, leveling to increase stamina/monster capacity, etc)

So which came first? This or Puzzle & Dragons? Because aside from the core gameplay mechanic, they look virtually identical. Someone here is not very creative.

Don’t forget:

The Wii had an awful lot of really bad games, but it also had a lot of really good ones you couldn’t find anywhere else. It was a decent console. Not bad, just okay. The motion control fad really hurt the overall quality of it’s library, but people tend to really dwell on the bad stuff. It still had waaaay more really

Ah, I see. Well you probably know better than I do, then :P It’s good to know as I certainly want FF XV to turn out well.

Not that I don’t trust you, but for any specific reasons? I’m a huge fan of FF IV and I was actually thinking of getting this as I thought it’d be nice to have a higher-res version of the DS game. Do they maintain the touch screen-centric interface from the android version or something? Were some features cut between

To be fair, Square Enix seem to be having a hard time getting Luminous to work with FFXV, judging by the sudden framerate drops littered throughout the game and if I recall they completely gave up on the engine in favor of Unreal for Kingdom Hearts 3.

Is the Steam version of FF IV really that bad? I thought it was more or less a direct port of the DS version, which I recall being pretty decent. They added some cool stuff plus the voice acting was nice.