
I dont think it'd be hard for them to patch in, it's just that Smash doesn't really translate well to a dpad. How would you differentiate a tilt attack from a smash? Would you have to double tap to run? That would certainly make stuff like dash dancing and pivot grabbing a lot more difficult. What about angling your

I have a number of clever responses about what this "Flying Fairy" could actually be up to, but they are all massive spoilers for a pretty great game so I'll just keep them to myself. >__>

This just furthers the Vita's biggest problem which is that it has a reputation for being a port machine rather than having any sort of library of its own. While an announcement of 4 new games is nice and all, at least two of them are ports from other platforms. Wouldn't be terribly surprised if the other two were as

There's a part of me that really wishes your comment wasn't sarcastic and that you actually live in some magical part of the world where those two fairly harmless offenses are actually the worst things people are capable of.

999 and Virtue's Last Reward are two of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Here's hoping we get that third entry someday. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.

Senbonzakura is definitely my favorite

Only the Americana module for all of North America? Gross. Where's the sweet Mountie module for us Canadian fans?


Pretty sure they "Poochied" Sonic like, 15 years ago when they gave him his "hip, new look!" for Sonic Adventure. I don't even know what to call this.

Pokemon: the only game franchise I can think of where gamers constantly place the older, broken version with the least amount of content on a pedastal over the newer, better versions.

Well, baseball and bowling have been around for a long time, so their rules and fanbase are more deeply seated in popular culture. Plus, their core concepts are pretty easy to grasp by an outsider (knock the pins over, hit the ball, run the bases). I play video games regularly and I coukdn't tell you what half the

Between this and the DOTA tournament, I think we have pretty clearly shown why competitive gaming will never see mainstream success. The primary reason being that the games are fun to watch if you play the game yourself, and therefore know what's going on, but to anyone else it's just incomprehensible. There's nothing

As much as I'd love to see all of those games you suggested, not a single one of them would make much money for NIitendo.

Why? I think the joke is pretty straightforward. All the text from the site had was a bit of mildly-related trivia and some self-promotion stuff.

Yeah, I'd say Zelda is probably Nintendo's number 3 right under Mario and Pokemon. It typically doesn't come close to the sales numbers Mario & Pokemon hit, but it has legions of fans the world over which would definitely bring more attention to Wii U

"Arthur from Winnie the Pooh"

What? I don't think Fire Emblem will do anything for the Wii U at all. I love me some FE, but I'll be the first guy to admit it's kind of a niche game and not for everyone. Awakening was the first Fire Emblem game to see decent success over here, and even then it barely sold 10% as many copies as Pokemon X/Y.

EDIT: Clearly my reading comprehension skills aren't up and running yet this morning. Thanks for pointing out my mistake, guys!

It wasn't quite enough to stop me from playing the original, but it is definitely the most welcome change of all.

Hey, you're entitled to your preferences, nothing wrong with that. But just for the sake of my personal curiosity- what is it about handhelds that makes playing games on them so un-enjoyable?