
At the risk of sounding even meaner than the "pranksters" here- What kind of neckbeard follows a goddamn graphics engine on Twitter?

Oh trust me, I know what you mean. I'm a sucker for both a good card game and Adventure Time. I haven't bought a physical copy yet, but now that they're introducing a booster set and a deck building/customization aspect to the game... I really don't see a choice here.

Well, I mean, you do still have to "Pay to play" the physical game in that you need to buy the cards. Just sayin'

How original, a Christian assuming a complete stranger is a miserable, lesser person because they clearly don't follow their religion.

Basically, it all just amounts to the usual "Waaah, waaah, the company that produces this nerdy thing that I enjoy is trying to turn it into something everybody will enjoy, so now I can't enjoy it anymore!"

I know what you mean. I'd like some solid release dates, myself.

Bayonetta 2, X, Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros. are all scheduled for release this year at some point. I wouldn't bank on seeing Smash any time soon though.

There is... barely a resemblance there. I don't think this "Sharknife" character factored into the design at all, considering he is relatively unknown and there is a far greater likelihood Mighty No. 7's design is based off of Zero, who is actually from the Mega Man universe.

a) Not American.

Basically, it'll be a good controller for shooters, RTSes, MOBAs, and other genres that make heavy use of a mouse-oriented control scheme.

The Dualshocks don't use seperate "buttons" for their d-pad though. They look separate, yes, but try pushing one down sometime. You'll notice that when you push down on the right side of the d-pad, the left side tilts up, because underneath the plastic casing, the d-pad actually one connected piece- just like a

You don't have to. 1 & 2 are very different games, not as good as 3 & 4 at all. 3 is an excellent game, but each game is essentially it's own thing, so you don't need to know anything about the previous games to enjoy 4, no.

Impressive, I guess?

Yeah, KH is perfectly simple to follow what with all it's time travel paradoxes, constant retconning, characters who exist, but don't exist, but do exist again in worlds that that do and don't exist and of course it's titular Kingdom Hearts which is sometimes a room filed with Heartless and sometimes a magic moon that

Yeah, as someone very passionate about both gaming and writing, it's a sad state of affairs that games typically don't value storytelling very much as a whole.

I can understand that. Connecting with characters is certainly important. I don't mind characters falling under certain archetypes but I'd like them to at least seem like their own character. Even if just in very subtle ways.

Yeah. A few other commenters have made a pretty strong point that, culturally, Japanese storytelling seems to simply be a very different beast. A lot of it echoes what you've said regarding characterization and the comfort factor. It seems in Japanese games, people PREFER that characters not change drastically in

Metal Gear's not that bad. I mostly just used it as an example because of the article that prompted the discussion.

Yeah. I assumed a cultural thing was definitely at work here. It's a shame but I guess that's just the way the world is. Different strokes, right?

Yeah. It's an interesting subject. I can see the anime/manga approach being one cause. The writing will tend to get sloppy when you're more or less (for lack of a more flattering term) making it up as you go. I still feel there has to be something else at work though. As I've discussed with a few other commenters