Carl? Is that you?
Carl? Is that you?
Like the Rock, he smells everything that's cooking.
Something tells me this isn't the first blockage his chest has experienced.
Ben Franklin: [stops balling]
Good call, Philly. God forbid you have any electricity in that building.
[knock, knock]
It was important to me too. You're in a safe place.
"This phucker will be hearing phrom my lawyers."
Looks just like Tony La Russa's retirement present from his players.
Know I Know
[watches clip]
Donald said "I am going to take you out, O'Donnell!" O'Donnell claimed he interpreted that as a death threat.
Uh, I live in Canada, moron.
Here in AMERICA, she's called "Lucy 51".
Usually the only chile that runs through things so brazenly comes from Cincinnati
No. The game is called soccer in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the U.S.
"And I saw the Four Horsemen of the Comment Apocalypse, and they said in unison unto me: 'Beware the false idol Kinja and her wily ways.' And I, for my part, took up my mobile device and screeched, 'EVEN NATIVE AMERICANS DON'T THINK THE NAME IS OFFENSIVE!' and lo, the Angel Snyder smiled down on me, well pleased."
That new Kinja format looks good.