

David that story is very close to mine, I had the chance to work for Tony at his school in the 1990s, I also had all my walls covered in Gwynn memorabilia and wore 19 as many of us did. I posted this originally over at the UTSD Forums in the tribute there, but thought many of you would love this story as well. Its

"And don't get me started on Diego Maradona. I offered him a Diet Coke and he told me they were both part of his New Year's resolution."

Should have been you, Will Clark.

Is it weird that I didn't want this article to end?

"I wish he would have taken more money to play somewhere else so I wouldn't have to live in fucking San Antonio."

Thanks so much. My dad, though he was emotionally aloof the majority of the time, was a great guy. He taught me to work hard, to be the best at what you choose to do, or at the very least to strive for it. I'm in a good spot in all areas of my life thanks to his lessons.

A happy Father's Day.

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb

Of course a $64,000 dinner tab is fake. Everyone knows Andy Reid doesn't coach the Eagles anymore.

As a current GM at a few high profile hotels in a leisure market I agree with a lot of this. One thing about 3rd party reservations is we don't care; if you are spending $ we are happy. We don't profile any guests except for our Rewards members; they do get the best treatment. We do our best to be sure they get all

At this point, only by completely inverting the sense of the term "dark horse" could Belgium be considered one. They've been consistently hyped over the past year to the point that they're surely the most overrated side in the entire tournament, mostly by virtue that the squad has many players who play in the

This is a pretty normal part of the process, actually, When you've been with someone for 10 years, and it's true love, and then it all falls apart, you're gonna go out and shove your fist in some nameless newer models. It's just human nature.

along with Hogs, Honkers and Horseplay.

I guess one of the 4-H's is being a huge jerk!

Do dairy and beef cows have different preferred sex positions? Do cows ever 69?

Oh God, I'm so glad you asked.

Different breeds of cattle are used for beef and dairy production; odds of that combo are zero.

HBO: "We think it would be great for your football team and your city. I think NFL fans would love to watch the maturation of Manziel in real time."
Browns: "Yeah uh, we both know that's not going to happen..."
HBO: "So we can't film Hard Knocks?"
Browns: "Huh? Oh no, that's not going to happen either."