
Because who knows more about oppression, xenophobia and racism than a ultra-wealthy Swiss German?

Kid: [gets leg smoked]

Family Feud has gotten so meta and self-referential recently. Don't get me wrong. It's really entertaining. I was just surprised to see "Nicknames for Steve Harvey's Mustache" as a category.

"So, Mr. Sterling, you agreed to this deal, but now you want to go back?"

I'd imagine a Native American would be just about the worst person you could call to help you gain ground.

I'm going to go find a neighborhood in Lafayette where I would buy a house, raise a family, and would be a nice place to live.

Rudich had hoped to have Ray Rice come out and give his blessing, thinking that would really knock her off her feet.

Damn! Back in the day, I used to own him in my rotisserie league.

I've improved my time running around doing errands on Saturday to two and a half hours!

Relax girls, you're both pretty.

If we've learned anything about Pete Rose it's that he'll try to parlay this into something bigger.

Hi, Skip!

If ever there was a just war, WWII was definitely it. It's not about glorifying war—it's about honoring those who sacrificed everything to deter evil men from conquering the world.

We are not men. Those guys, all of them from that generation, were men.

McCants is aptly named. If he were a McCann, he'd have just left the papers unwritten.

Good imitations? Both are a stretch if you ask me.

With all due respect, Tom, I think we can all agree that the best inning a pitcher can have is when his first pitch sails into the stands and kills Mike Lupica.

Marino: You tell me, Doc. What does it mean when you can see a co-worker's lips moving, but all you hear is complete gibberish?

People who turn to Seth McFarlane for their humor fix in an age where we have folks like Louis C.K., Jim Jefferies, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Aziz Ansari, John Mulaney, and countless others are like those who hit up the Olive Garden in Times Square when they visit New York.

confirmed by wikipedia: