
jup13: [goes outside]

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Worst comments on the best dunks of the year, ranked:

I think I speak for everyone here in the comment section when I say, "Get well soon, Craig."

no word if doctors diagnosed it after his blood smear appeared as a green paisley under the microscope

Poor Donovan. It's been years since he was able to complete a drive.

@DonovanJMcNabb How do I look in my mugshot? What do you think?

I would kill for a home movie of that.

A friend of mine was born without his right hand. He has a small "nub" instead. When he was young, he used a prosthetic hand that he didn't like very much. We were on a soccer team for 6 and 7 year olds, and during one game he was using his prosthetic hand (and had had it on all day) when it became uncomfortable. So

When I was in San Diego training on Fiesta Island, Meb would run intervals behind a white guy on a mountain bike. I was there training on my road bike for the racing season, so we sidled up next to the bike and check our speed relative to what he was running at: 15 mph. It was easy for him. Fluid. Effortless. He was

When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the

I see. So it's The First 48, except the brown single mom survives.

Can someone do one of those internet petitions to make John C. Reilly record an alternate commentary as Dr. Steve Brule? I would watch that a thousand times.

Wow, inflation is crazy. For most of the year, this team was only twelve Bucks.

"I'll tell you how to really sandwich that hot dog..."

[drops vape pen, dons fedora] quick! to Reddit!

Maybe take the next couple comments off...that was rough

I feel like the people who run the school want it both ways:

enjoying these and looking forward to the one on American stud Ryan Rstlne.

Just wait until ESPN unleashes Bustey Olner next season.