
I see your avi, you’re not fooling me - Mind your business and go back to rooting for the Tigers!

They’ve got a strong social media presence.  There’s truly a lot of buzz around them.

“the official pest control provider to The San Diego Padres.”

It may not shock you to learn that Leonard was, even then, a man of few words.

Remember the Alamo (rental counter is waaay at the end you can barely see it)!

Your shame must be made public

Pascal was so awesome, he made me believe in God.


Ohhhh, I may like that one better.

No sir.  It is ridiculous to live your life in such a reckless way.  This is a hill I’m willing to not die on.

Everest climbers, skydivers, Free Solo guy- there’s a barely perceptible line between these people and the ones who jump into the lion enclosures at the zoo.

Is it me, or did Deadspin’s switch over to a fetish site happen really fast?

Too bad - From the photo above, it looks like his comments totally overshadowed the show’s ‘Al Davis lookalike’ theme for that day.

There’s truly no macho arrogance quite like Argentine macho arrogance.

Stood there motionless like his hands were nailed to that bat.

A black hole accurately describes most of the area between Tampa and Miami, so yes, a black, meth-fueled hole.

*Accountant, checking records* Charles, do you mean you ate a 100 Grand or ate 100 grand?

You guys are jerks, Pelinka is trying his best to learn about how to deal with Lebron and his crew.

I’ve moved on, User 27382. Unless you’re Swin Cash, then I apologize for offending you.

What the hell is going on with the team names that don’t end in the letter s?