
Saw that game live, and I was actually impressed until I realized it wasn’t a Make-a-Wish kid.

I’ll be slightly annoyed for roughly two weeks, then cease to notice it at all, and by October I’ll be unable to remember a time when the Green Zone didn’t exist.

I don’t think this Ureña/Acuña feud is even close to over, let’s at least wait tilde end of this series.

Watch out, Mercury’s coming to whip Uranus Seattle.

They’re all painted in Bob Knight red sweaters!

Did she say that she kept her eyes on Nassar? Cause from that photo it appears impossible for her.

Suitcases currently lead mediocre AL teams, 2-0.

A good lesson to take from this is that it’s never a good idea to use racial slurs at work.

Those Who (can get a) Stay (of proceedings) Will Be Champions

Dane County Police believe there may be up to three more victims based upon a very, very, initial investigation.

Seems like a reasonable stance since the Irriducibili are apparently already full of cunts.

Yes. Isn’t it wonderful?

Somebody better bean Jurickson Profar in the fucking head in his next at-bat.  That’s how it works, right? 

The goal of Crasnick’s article is to show that Yankees great Derek Jeter is learning how to run a team, and he’s trying his hardest not to fuck up.

Sir, I am going to ask you not to use facts to point out the flaws in my jokes.

Smith got the Bears to cede some ground on voidable guarantees

Coming in late to note that Spurrier’s visor is universally recognized as excluded, and I am sure Mr. Daisuke meant no disrespect to the ‘Ole Ball Coach.



Good story.  I hope you found a bridesmaid and did some running through the okra patch.