
Why is Venus so upset? Police didn’t say she was at double fault.

Pretty nice of Lindsey to remove the ‘s from the middle of the title. Both would have been accurate, but still.

*looks at charts, understands very little*

*Christmastime, Willpayforcurrenteventsblog is at the mall, standing next to a long line of happy children waiting to see Santa*

This retaliatory travel ban by the Cubans is much more entertaining I think.

So Gronk raised his GPA? Good for him.

Doesn’t work in the NFL if you’re drafted by the Bengals.

I long for the days when the only sexual allegation against a Duck was for Donald not wearing pants.


I’m Sorry Josh Jackson, buuuuuut Ta-tum’s for reeeeeeaaallll

Was she using the whipped cream cannister for a blog post she was working on? I mean, if so, wow, you know? What are the odds of a Frenchman working on a weekend?

If They Don’t Want To Get Screwed, Esports Players Should Keep Being Esports Players?

I can’t believe I missed out on the Henley/Dolan Literally Everyone Hates Us tour.


I gave up on him after 6 days, honestly.

This is all staged, that’s a professional acting dog- I heard that all the dogs from the Air Bud movies are Brooks’ Brothers.

Scene: Blackhawks Locker Room

That would be awesome if his dad could throw to him in the HR derby. It would remind us of our dads throwing us BP, getting progressively more frustrated as he can’t get one over the plate, getting pissed at us because we didn’t groove the one fucking strike he threw to us, then throwing a a brush-back pitch possibly

You know someone who won’t be able to learn from this comment?