
I hear his brothers are really messy, though.

Agreed. It’s my favorite for celebrity guest voices, too. Albert Brooks’ Hank Scorpio, Waters’ John, Rodney Dangerfield, Mulder and Scully from X Files.....

I’m not sure, but sharing a 3 bedroom apartment with bro and his gf doesn’t cross it.

too soon asshole.

I’d drive over to GP and kick your ass, but my kids’ large white SUVs with lacrosse stickers are blocking in my Tesla.

I understand the joke is in bad taste, but also think it’s a little disingenuous for a guy who stubbornly hurt his team for much of last season by not changing position now thinks it appropriate to associate himself with one of the best human beings to ever pick up a glove.

Elsewhere in the NBA, Vince Carter lost his shit, too. Different reason, though, and it’s messier than this, so let’s just forget it.

Pretty bush league of McCutchen to tweet a photo of the only Pirate whose career took a nosedive faster than him.

In case you want to know more about the character of this coach, the article notes he drives a white BMW.

This is all a HUGE misunderstanding. Yannick Noah was saying he hates “mon fils,” not Monfils.

Drew, you could just email Samer directly.

David Ortiz Was Super Pumped About The Patriots’ Win

+1  never change MM, never change

8:12 - Conan asks Gronk how much he weighs.

Actually, I think it was a spasm. Hopefully a shorter recovery period than a muscle tear.

For every golf club they add, they must remove two bones.

This is a good and correct opinion.

Oh, you beat me to the punch. If only Molly Brown had been so lucky....

Older ‘I don’t have the guts’ lady who looks nauseous and nearly climbs back down before finding her nerve is the best.

I’m amazed at how much Adelson looks like Al Davis- I mean Al Davis at this very moment.