Great story, but “I’ve got to get one frame where his damn private parts are covered!” is not the usual sentiment around here.
Great story, but “I’ve got to get one frame where his damn private parts are covered!” is not the usual sentiment around here.
Maybe I was wrong to express cynicism about major leaguers throwing their weight behind amateur opposition to the draft.
Glad he’s doing well, but Clint’s family is ashamed of him.
Go back to io9, and never speak to us again.
Carlsen sat there for two interminable minutes before flapping his hands like a bird and storming off.
Gonna try this on a full plane with the wife and 3 young kids, see how Delta reacts to having 3 monsters in middle seats on three separate rows.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say how disappointing this is because there’s a chance it will distract us from Notre Dame being cheaters.
Good to see a Lakers player’s unrestrained id not result in rape charges for a change.
Their Alt- home jerseys are pretty shocking I hear.
In related news, Allen Iverson has just declared his intention to enter the NHL expansion draft.
I started GUSHING about how “a lot of people think he is being obtuse, but intuitively I understand what he means, and I think it is fascinating work”
*looks at fan in red*
Jesus. Move over Nightmare Ant, you’re now for nursery rhymes and kindergartens.
Jesus. +1
And Moses said, “Remember thy personnel groupings, to keep from TDs”
Kiss our ass, Hawaii.
Does ‘He Got Game’ count?
I’d say passing... Especially for Jason Williams. Now Jayson Williams, boy that guy could shoot.
+1 you’re the best, never change.