

Snowden actually went through the correct protocols as a whistleblower. He released the documents to a journalistic staff at The Guardian who were held under journalistic ethics to not release this type of data. Wikileaks has proven in the past and the present they don’t care about collateral damage.

I honestly can’t recall. I worked there roughly a decade ago, and to top it all off, we weren’t allowed to actually watch the episodes if the store was empty, which it usually was. I suppose it was for ambiance. Or a riff on the Stanford Prison Experiment.

What possible reason would they have for doing this and what rationalizations are they willing to offer?

Even if you wanted to (and for the record, I don’t think the using hate speech is a great way to combat hate speech), it’s sort of impossible to try and turn around hate speech like that. There’s no equivalent to calling a black person the n-word that you can use on a white person. There’s no equivalent to calling a

I’ve played this card. When someone says something sketchy, I’ll reply with a mild “oh, I didn’t realize you were racist [insert other descriptor such as bigot, depending on the circumstances].” When they looked shocked, I just say “What?! I thought we were playing the game of ‘freedom of speech’.” The concept also

It’s the hypocrisy that gets me. They’re always screaming about private enterprise and there being too much regulation and how companies should be able to run themselves as they see fit but as soon as a private company makes a decision like this to censor hate speech, they lose their minds and start crying. What part

Well, her prefers not to see black people...he would like to be blind to them.

I have often found that people who say offensive shit then shout “freedom of speech!” Have no idea what it actually means. Just like they don’t get the whole book of Leviticus but quote it pretty regularly. Also they’ll never understand what it means if you try to explain it to them because they refuse to understand

Funny how some people want to protect speech when it's racist. It was horrible how organized the attack was on Leslie. How do regular people handle it?

I just want to give her a hug. No one should have to go through this bullshit.

And yet, this would be used as an example of “stifling overregulation” on the part of liberals by the Republican Party. It’s amazing to me-in the worst way possible-how they can ignore the human cost of lack of regulation so totally. But, then again, they have their fingers in all the pies so I shouldn’t be that

This continues to astound me. We use these chemicals in a clean room, and they must be used under a hood. The chemical doesn’t become less dangerous because it’s being used as a beauty product!

Thank god. When I went to cosmetology school, way back in the covered wagon days, I had terrible headaches from the nail products. You can imagine the odor when you have twenty students all working on sculpted nails at the same time. It was ghastly. They finally moved the manicuring program to another building because

I love it when assholes justify their jokes with “you don’t understand comedy.” No, sweetie, you don’t understand comedy, because that’s not funny.

Re: #2; have you considered lighting his computer on fire? Or him? Or yourself? Or everything? There are so many options with fire.

Real talk, Jezzies, I need your take on this. A few weeks ago, Obnoxious Friend From Back Home posted on Facebook a picture of himself with his middle school-aged daughter, selfie style, sitting together on some bleachers. The lower body of anonymous woman in the row above was framed by their faces. OFFBH added a

For the love of god and all that is holy, we need a real plan to get women to be the majority in the legislative and judiciary branches.

According to judges who weighed in on the decision, upskirting is does not hold up to the rubric that constitutes an invasion of privacy, due to the fact that the act isn’t technically criminalized in the state.