
OH GOD, there is something so deeply and horribly unsettling about the image of Ivanka lovingly washing/cutting/dying her daddy’s hair...

Really? Do they have that on tape? Wow.

This is why Trump is a complete failure as a diplomat.

Please do not be complacent about this. I live in a town littered with Trump signage, it’s my own personal Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I can see him winning, and it’s scary as hell. Yesterday the media was all “look how presidential he is” as if the previous year-plus of bad behavior never happened.

Why is advocating for assault any better than advocating for rape?

Wait, so his argument is that they were bad parents who raised a kid dumb enough to go to Taylor’s house and let herself be filmed in the bath?

I just keep finding reasons to use this.

Donald Trump is a man who spent 10 minutes talking to coal miners in Kentucky about the relative merits of aerosol hair spray. It was real-life Zoolander.

Donald Trump’s former hairdresser had some amusing things to say about his hair:

He has said he would “force” Mexico to pay by imposing regulations that would basically make it illegal for Mexicans in America to send remittances to Mexico. Remittances from America are a significant portion of the Mexican economy. However, his proposal would only cover remittances from undocumented immigrants, and

He said once that he would tax the money that Mexican workers in the US send to their relatives in Mexico. Although that’s almost certainly unconstitutional, that’s terrifying, as it amounts to a few billion dollars a year and would cause an economic nightmare.

Relatively minor things from yesterday that Trump did that I don’t understand:

Did he just pull a “Do you know who I am?” when his “claim to fame” is killing an unarmed black teenager?

It occurs to me that strictly speaking, he’s right - for much of the period when he was growing up, they didn’t call things “racist” - because the word literally didn’t exist when he was born. It didn’t get coined until 1932 and wasn’t used as an adjective until 1938, and even then it referred to Nazi theories, not

“When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

When America was great!

I mean America is doing what he’s advocating for. Muslims are being watched and put on lists. Black folks are STILL being killed by the state and private individuals for being black. Latinos are being deported en masse. To imagine Obama as some magical cure to America’s incessant and ingrained racism is to be sold

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.