
Your previous comments are visible, you know. However, I will let you believe you aren’t an alt-right troll, despite the obvious, but you are blatantly whiny, so no getting around that. Go back to your safe space, kid.

LOL that you are pretending not to be part of the whiny alt-right crowd.

Fuckin brilliant


Ah yes, lots of fond memories of those white oversized Disney cases that wouldn’t fit right on the damn shelf.

My uncle was an early adopter (had both a Betamax and a VCR), with the super-slow option on the spring-loaded VCR you could cram 3 movies on a single tape. Thus armed, me and my cousins could beat the summer heat and have a six-hour Time Bandits-Rocky III-Krull movie marathon without ever having to get up

Yeah that too...why would I care if I hadn’t been born?

My mother almost aborted me, and I’m still pro-choice. That one gets them too. Because I’ve had people throw that at me— “what if your mother had chosen to abort YOU?!?!” Well, she would have had an easier life. And I... wouldn’t realize that I wasn’t born since I was never, you know, born.

I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for abortion. I love telling forced birthers that fun fact.

trolling needs refinement, 2/10

And more seriously, I don’t think that PP prefers to provide elective abortions “rather than provide healthcare”... It isn’t an “either or”...

because the outlets and politicians telling them it’s not true are those they already don’t trust. and then other outlets and politicians who know better capitalize on people’s trust of them and lie. it’s a sad, gross, vicious cycle.

But also, abortions are healthcare. The wording is so weird though... like, they honestly still think that PP is making a profit off of fetal “body parts” (tissue?) so they force abortions on people? Like, we COULD give you an ultrasound and refer you to an OB/GYN, OR we could just harvest this clump of heart cells.

How many times do we have to go through this? How many articles and news outlets have reported that Planned Parenthood does NOT sell fetal body parts? I am perplexed. Why is this a thing.

He looks like Cotton Hill

Is it weird that it wouldn’t bother me if they were selling fetal body parts? Like, they’re just going to be incinerated anyway, and they’re being used for research not satanic rituals.

so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare.

The Fifth Amendment of the platform, dedicated to “Protecting Human Life,” opposes the “use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood, so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare.