
It’s going to be even worse once we don’t have the European courts to protect us.


Plus, he flirted with Uhura, because who wouldn’t? Come on!

The standards that merit celebration are very low for some feminists.

God, it’s an actual race to the bottom. How the hell did we get here? We MUST have a general election and get them out. I bought a party membership for the first time, in the form they asked what motivated me, I replied ‘to fix this fucking mess we’re in.’

Check out some of the gems from Leadsom’s blog. I’ll take May over her any day of the week, much like I’d prefer to drink a smoothie of bull shit over one made of dog shit.

Yes, I guess post-Brexit Britain is the Titanic.

I figured because he want’s to invent an even bluer shade of blue first.

Leadsom is actually worse than May. Leadsom is Trump and Farge put together and is actually more right wing than Theresa May, i did not realise that was possible.

I don’t know enough about Leadsom - no one does really. But Theresa May is the devil. I’m shocked how much I now :shudder: begrudgingly respect Cameron for keeping the zealots in his party in check, now that there’s a real chance they’ll have a great deal of power.

It’s no surprise to me that the white women who come to power in Western countries are conservative. They don’t rock the boat around their male colleagues, they only lack privilege in one area of their lives, so they’re welcomed into these inner-circles more easily than more marginalized women, and the feminist women

No, James. Why do you think those Avatar sequels have been taking so long to make?

James Cameron? Do you mean David?

If there’s one thing James Cameron knows, it’s a sinking ship.

.....I took it as the ceiling is more interesting than the kiss.....

Would a baby have a Kinja account?! *knocks books off table*

She CAN be sexy AND composed EVEN while naked (?!) but ONLY in character. Dafuq does that EVEN MEAN??!!!

I don't know why, but Make America Australia Again is my favorite, and I think it deserves a nice slow clap.