
How is this not treason? Oh wait! That was rhetorical.

2007 seems so long ago.

I thought Donald Trump was the Donald Trump of reality tv??

I do hope and believe that they will lose by a landslide, but we’re kidding ourselves if we think these psychos will sit there and accept the will of the people. We’re talking about people who to this day believe that Obama is a secret Muslim in cahoots with ISIS, and that someday a the government will come to ‘take

I forgot to mention the scapegoating of groups of people, the hateful propaganda and what looks like the desire to control the free press.

This is why Sam Bee is right. It’s not enough if Trump loses. He has to lose by a f**ing 50 state landslide so these morons do not get the idea that a big portion of the US electorate thinks like them.

Honestly, Sarah Palin being the one calling for an uprising is a great reason against an uprising if I’ve ever heard one.

I know that I am sounding like an alarmist, but this rhetoric is dangerous and I totally see a homegrown terrorism faction preparing to be borne out of the right wing. The anarchist tendencies, the conspiracy theories, the charismatic leaders with blatant lies, the arming of themselves to the hilt.... this really

Teach your children America’s foundation built on the rule of law

“Blindly trust the political freedoms our forefathers gave us by overthrowing the government they created!”

“Don’t retreat, reload.”

don’t forget this part:

1. not having sangria and tacos* is not an emergency.

Situation one: Tow-truck driver freely admits to leaving disabled driver (who has Psoriatic Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and early stage Crohn’s disease) in non-functioning car on the side of the road solely because she has a Bernie Sanders sticker.

That was no typo, pal!

Also note the difference in responses:

taco bowels

Shouldn’t they be avoiding Mexican food completely, really?

Well, their first mistake was to look for Mexican food outside the Trump Tower Grill. Everyone knows their taco bowels are the best!!

The Trump supporters also claim that they were assaulted by the co-owner in the parking lot and had the initials “H C” carved into their faces, only backwards, because she’s crooked.