
and STILL no admission that it was a GAY club. He’s from Texas, isn’t he. Of course he is

After the last one, I'm just happy to get back to having a VP who mostly works behind the scenes, occasionally emerging to embarrass himself. Beats blatant warmongering for profit.

Uncle Joe is definitely......problematic to say the least. While a generally good, smart guy, he’s got his serious flaws.

I think “a net positive" is a good description of Joe Biden.

Oh I don’t know.

Ok, who is going to tell Pete Sessions that there are people who are both gay and latino?

Seems important to note that his people noted that he was dumb and wrong about an hour later and that he’s not continuing to insist this, as much as he may prefer to.

“thoughts”: thinking about how to get past this incident without doing anything to change the possibility of it happening in the future

he continued...”I had been there many times in the past, just because there are young men grinding with each other and dancing to electronic music doesn’t make it a gay club...because I was there and I am not gay!”

I came here to say this exactly.

And it is a giant middle finger to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Weird that there’s literally no other means to prosecute that guy.

They can’t say anything without being called racist or sexist or homophobic and it’s definitely not because what they’re saying is racist or sexist or homophobic.

Every other bumper sticker I see when driving to work in the morning.

Victimized straight white conservative men, who have it harder in life than anyone else these days.

More toddlers than police officers are shot per year. Maybe we need special protections for toddlers?

On Thursday, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards signed HB 953, which expands the state’s hate statute to crimes motivated “because of actual or perceived employment as a law enforcement officer or firefighter.”

Who started referring to it as “Blue Lives Matter”?

The police are already protected by increased penalties for assaulting one of them or causing harm. Crime committed against the police is already punished more harshly than other crime. They are already a protected class. Honestly, including them in hate crime legislation along with the groups the police routinely

This is ridiculous. There are already harsher sentences for crimes against police officers, as the article points out.